Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Prince's coffee was the perfect back home start to the day. The cold is still socked in at -19. I spent the morning catching up on emails and page updates as well as as accounting. S caught up with work stuff too then cooked his signature sausage and KD for our lunch.

Time for me to shower and get the tree down. Snow started to lightly fall for the rest of the day. S braved the cold and took angel out and brought tree box back. Once it was all down he shuttled the tree back to the shop mez after his truck warmed after plugging in. A trip to check the horse hay had him toss a small square. I vacuumed the main floor and changed the furniture all around. Perfect start to the new year.

He was loading up his stuff to head to AV on a bison run when Shaina arrived at 4:30. She had him check her tires before he was off staying the night at Mom & Dad's. Shaina and I visited (she ate some of the lunch leftovers) before she was off before her 6:30 boot camp. I caught up on some computer stuff while carrying on with MindHunter. The girls recommended this series so I watched 2 on the plane and was hooked. By the time I turned out the light just after 10 (yep early for me) I only had a few episodes left.

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