Wednesday, January 31, 2018

transfer success

The snow started to lightly fall after I got up. Thanks to Kaylin for the 9 am reminder that today is Bell's Let's Talk day; each text gives .05 to mental health research. I think this is a very worthy cause so get texting and remember to turn off your iMessage for texts to count. She also sent a photo of her recieving her 5 year service award at the conference this week!! YAYY, you worked hard for that XOXO She was surprised when her name was called as it slipped her mind but the conference seems to be full of adventures, information and sparkle (follow her on IG and Snapchat for all the great pics)

I finally got the approval to be a Dixie Belle Ambassador.. so exciting. I had to fill out a form and pick my products for the first shipment. Stay tuned for more Dixie Belle projects. Seeing it was a snow day I through on some corn chowder in the crock pot. Yep I chose to return the pressure cooker I had been considering seeing I have a slow cooker and should use it more before adding another "gadget" to my surplus.

Now to get to work, the coffee table top was too shiny, yep I put on semi gloss poly..duh. So to tone it down I added clear wax and then more dark wax. The base had black wax added too.

Another project in my mind was using my latest products sent from Iron Orchid. I had washed up a frame a few days ago coming up with a paint plan. I chose creating a faux mercury glass to put it on and by luck of my stock found the perfect size piece of glass in another frame. I did it up with faux mercury and painted the frame dark grey and white. Then when all was dry I transferred the transfer to the front of the glass.

Time to try my soup.. yowza I added too much pepper (could be the pepper flakes not listed that I added too). I ate my bowl but think Sheldon will have lots when he gets home ;)

I worked on the frame adding white wax, painted the inner frame, rubbed on silver and hand painted another silver paint where the old gold line was.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

more tech talk

No time for coffee today instead a tea after a quick shower and getting ready to go to town. I caught  up on some accounting and marketing quick before heading into town for my 11 acupuncture. I dropped the Etsy parcel off at the post office on my way to meet another local gal to discuss Etsy, FB and IG along with all other venues of business efforts. Thanks for lunch Desiree!

We wrapped the visit up by 2:30 with me heading off to pick up a cute new bracelet. It is rainbow hematite.

A couple more stops before I headed back home. Time to get the dark wax on the coffee table base. I also went with poly on the top first leaving it to dry while I cooked up supper for Shaina and I who arrived at 6.

She did not stay long as she had to get to town for 7 pm boot camp. I dark waxed the top, got Lola in washed up brushes and came in to catch up the blog watching Netflix.

Britt sent these pictures from her day off spent with dogs.. She introduced Cooper and gave them double bath

Kaylin sent some photos from her convention in Toronto.. here is her groups donation to the Canadian Womens Foundation - this pretty journal. She says there were lots of other great things like kitchen gadgets, soup kits, socks, books, bookmarks and hygiene kits, all great ideas

 and here she is with the Kardashian's hair dresser as well as other celebrities! The gal's hair products are now being carried at Sephora.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Get to work & tech support day

Monday.. get back to work! After a late coffee start S went out to roll a bale for the ponies and I to paint the coffee table a coat of warm white. He caught up with his change over guy via phone while I set up a new affiliate account with a stencil company called Cutting Edge and did some more marketing posts. I did a little tech support with Mama K to clear a laptop.. success.

Before 2 we ran to town grabbing a hot chai and picking up the boat which is now all ready to go for another 100,000 km! The sun came out in full force around 3 as I was painting a second coat of cream on the table after sanding edges.

I had my first Etsy sale of 2018 so had to box it up and get ready to send to New York. It was staging pillows but at least hope it started a trend ;)

I also challenged myself to something that scares me and it is stenciling. I gave it a go on the coffee table top and ended up loving it!

At 5:30 I headed to Sharon's for supper and social media help. Although we did catch up on our lives a bit the next 6 hours were full of tech tips and tricks and social media lessons. She has a whole arsenal of new information to work with.

I have not seen stubby beer bottles in years.. how cute

As I drove home at 11:30 the snow was melting and dripping as it is now +5. The wind had picked up a bit earlier but soon after I got home it started to blow hard. I of course could not sleep so watched lots of YouTube getting new ideas. At 3 I got up for a slice of bread and butter and it started to rain and blow in a crappy storm!! Rain in the middle of the winter night! I then must have fallen asleep cause when I woke at 5:30 briefly it had ended.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

overcast Sunday

I had a restless night thinking of our Vegas trip and the usual marketing ideas even after watching YouTube till late, I eventually put it back on at 3 am for a couple hours then up to take Lexi out at 6. B was up with Cooper in and out at 7 and eventually I just came out to watch him while she cleaned up "a mess". Poor guys tummy is still all messed up and after a trip outside she confirmed even after being dewormed he still has worms. Of course this adds to his tummy ache. She got all the dog parafanalia sorted to take back (worse then baby stuff lol with kennels blankets, beds new dishes and toys etc) She ran to town for a bit while I was on puppy patrol.

this is a big kennel, must be the perspective.. chilling while B cleans ;)

S ventured out to shovel some snow that accumulated from yesterday and open the gate for furniture customers then back in front of the fire. Britt got back and took Cooper to meet the horses quick, lets say he is not a real fan yet. I tidied the main floor and gave it a good vacuum including the couch. Britt loaded up the dogs and their goodies and headed back to the city with a detour to the rescue to pick up more wormer just after 1:30.

It was not long after the furniture customers arrived to pick up the end tables.

S and I did some work on the round coffee table even venturing to the shop in the brisk -14 cold to drill new holes with the air compressor. We got it all put together and it still lists a bit but it is going to be part of the character I think.

I used a cast iron pan to cook supper after inspired once again by YouTube and did more research after supper to get rid of all the non stick pans going forward. I really do hate thinking what the little inevitable chips from these pans do in our bodies.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Dog sitter extraordinaire - meet Cooper

So the night had me up for a snack at 2:30 then Lexi wanted out at 5 most likely because K & B had early shifts last few days but went and we headed back to bed. She fell right asleep but not me, I of course laid awake and by 6 B was up getting ready to head to the clinics client seminar today. She was in and out with Cooper 3+ times, poor guy has had diarrhea since he came home. She was off by 7 leaving him sleeping soundly in his kennel. Lexi had us up at 8:30 and out for a potty break.

 Cooper photo shoot

I did a bit of marketing while they played then it was nap time. S got up later and got coffee going and a fire. It was a really lazy day in front of a fire. I ventured out with the puppies a couple more times and ordered up some puppy probiotics B could pick up on her way home. Hopefully this will help poor little guys tummy issues. S did book us a trip to Vegas to go camping with the Schmitts in March, YEAH!!

The seminar was posted live on Facebook so I managed to catch quite a bit of the days information. All in the front of a blazing fire with coffee, pretty good seat I have to say. It ended at 3 just as the snow started to come down.

Lexi perched up high staring the bones moved to the island ;)

B arrived home at 4 picking up the probiotics and a pile of toys and dishes for master Cooper then promptly snuggled up for a sleep in front of the fire. After supper B and the dogs hung out in front of the fire watching TV while S & I watched 4 episodes of Vikings! The snow started to come down faster later in the evening and was starting to pile up as I trudged thru it to get Lola in for bed.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Sun is back

Sunshine all day long, even if high is -6 it feels fabulous. Time to get some better pictures of the jewelry box.

As well as the coral one that showed orange in past pics, such a hard color to get to show true

Lazy morning with a rest, lunch and a nap before the prince was off to town around 2. He picked up the end tables I have a deposit on for pick up this w/e, wash the car and a few other errands. I stayed back to sweep garage now the car was out, bring in the stool and posted a poll weather to seal as is or black stain over and do touch ups on the coat rack still pondering whether to sell or not.

S was off to the shop at 4 to do a bit of tidying he says. I finished writing the jewelry box blog post then had to put it on pages to promote.  He was back in the "warm" house before 5 but says it looks much better ;)

<3 tulips and sunset and here is a combo ;)

I had an online focus group for Facebook @5 that lasted over an hour. After another wee nap S started the taco prep while I was done in time to make the homemade taco seasoning. We love our taco nights.

I got back to posting things for sale on Etsy, FB marketplace and my FB page while S waited for Britt. Her car is finished at the auto body guy so she picked him up at 8:30 (dropping Lexi off) and they went to pick it up and drop boat at the mechanic and back home an hour later. Cooper is sure getting his taste of Canadian winters with the last couple days of deep freeze.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Snow day with fog

HEADACHE.. thru the night and upon waking and to boot we are fogged in with snow. It is not the best morning for sure. I did manage to start the painting process on the jewel box getting 2 coats on. S ran to the gate to pick up the parcel we forgot to grab yesterday. He planned to bring my quad in to change spark plugs but seems it will not start. He spent morning trying to get assistance from the dealer and online.

Time for a nap for the prince in the big comfy chair after making his bagel egg lunch. My headache eased up a bit after lunch; perhaps the drugs, hot bean bag and peppermint oil but finally I could eat an orange. I reposted the dressers on Kijiji hoping to get some interest.

After his nap S ventured out to change the spark plugs on the quad this time with success thanks to a makeup mirror to help him see in the small area. I worked on the jewelry box adding dark wax and bronze metallic. I think it looks very chic and so much better. I also got busy starting the blog post for it.

We had a cold beer and S had quick leftovers (I am finally feeling better but not really hungry so had one pork medallion) before we headed to town to Paetz's after 6. Amanda was doing Kaylin's hair so I took in her belated Xmas gift to Ada and our belated birthday gift for Asher. We had a quick visit then headed home at 8 with K off to the city then too.

S grabbed a beer and was off to watch the Flames game in the TV room leaving me to work on the blog and watch Netflix. I also had interest in the plaster look end tables that ended up in a deposit to hold till Sunday to pick up.

Forgot to share some pics I took a few days back of these pieces featuring my hydroponic tulips