Thursday, January 25, 2018

Snow day with fog

HEADACHE.. thru the night and upon waking and to boot we are fogged in with snow. It is not the best morning for sure. I did manage to start the painting process on the jewel box getting 2 coats on. S ran to the gate to pick up the parcel we forgot to grab yesterday. He planned to bring my quad in to change spark plugs but seems it will not start. He spent morning trying to get assistance from the dealer and online.

Time for a nap for the prince in the big comfy chair after making his bagel egg lunch. My headache eased up a bit after lunch; perhaps the drugs, hot bean bag and peppermint oil but finally I could eat an orange. I reposted the dressers on Kijiji hoping to get some interest.

After his nap S ventured out to change the spark plugs on the quad this time with success thanks to a makeup mirror to help him see in the small area. I worked on the jewelry box adding dark wax and bronze metallic. I think it looks very chic and so much better. I also got busy starting the blog post for it.

We had a cold beer and S had quick leftovers (I am finally feeling better but not really hungry so had one pork medallion) before we headed to town to Paetz's after 6. Amanda was doing Kaylin's hair so I took in her belated Xmas gift to Ada and our belated birthday gift for Asher. We had a quick visit then headed home at 8 with K off to the city then too.

S grabbed a beer and was off to watch the Flames game in the TV room leaving me to work on the blog and watch Netflix. I also had interest in the plaster look end tables that ended up in a deposit to hold till Sunday to pick up.

Forgot to share some pics I took a few days back of these pieces featuring my hydroponic tulips

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