Saturday, January 27, 2018

Dog sitter extraordinaire - meet Cooper

So the night had me up for a snack at 2:30 then Lexi wanted out at 5 most likely because K & B had early shifts last few days but went and we headed back to bed. She fell right asleep but not me, I of course laid awake and by 6 B was up getting ready to head to the clinics client seminar today. She was in and out with Cooper 3+ times, poor guy has had diarrhea since he came home. She was off by 7 leaving him sleeping soundly in his kennel. Lexi had us up at 8:30 and out for a potty break.

 Cooper photo shoot

I did a bit of marketing while they played then it was nap time. S got up later and got coffee going and a fire. It was a really lazy day in front of a fire. I ventured out with the puppies a couple more times and ordered up some puppy probiotics B could pick up on her way home. Hopefully this will help poor little guys tummy issues. S did book us a trip to Vegas to go camping with the Schmitts in March, YEAH!!

The seminar was posted live on Facebook so I managed to catch quite a bit of the days information. All in the front of a blazing fire with coffee, pretty good seat I have to say. It ended at 3 just as the snow started to come down.

Lexi perched up high staring the bones moved to the island ;)

B arrived home at 4 picking up the probiotics and a pile of toys and dishes for master Cooper then promptly snuggled up for a sleep in front of the fire. After supper B and the dogs hung out in front of the fire watching TV while S & I watched 4 episodes of Vikings! The snow started to come down faster later in the evening and was starting to pile up as I trudged thru it to get Lola in for bed.

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