Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Celebrating Coco (LOADS of photos)

Today we say good bye to Coco but before that we had plans to make her morning super special. I had coffee going after 8. Britt brought her up from their sleepover and made her a yummy breakfast. Today she is having a good day. The other girls joined in with hugs and snuggles and of course she played with Lexi. I did 4 sets of paw prints which she kindly put up with being cleaned up after each one. She is not a bath fan.

We went for a walk which she always loved. This was no different, she skipped along in her side winder lope stopping to sniff areas and gopher holes along the way. She was a bit surprised by the onslaught of photos the last few days but complied.

Crazy on the way home Pepper trotted to the fence to see her followed by the others. It was like they came to honor her and say goodbye.

We all loaded up and made our trek to town. We stopped at Stouts to see Chanel then headed to Coco's favorite treat store, Tims. She was so excited to get her Tim bits! She was even more excited to go thru another drive thru at DQ I do think because she hoped for more Tim bits but did try the pup cup.

Now we were off to Kinsmen park to walk the loop, of course she had to stop at every post and tree to sniff and leave her dribble. She really had a excellent morning do so many things she loved.

 She was not even anxious on the drive in or going to the vet clinic. In the family room she was so excited to have so many liver treats. She left us just before 12:30 surrounded by more love then possible in the arms of her girls. Coco you were and will always be a most loved special girl. XOXOXO

Back home the girls spent time with her while I headed down to select her resting place. It was however very dry so headed back to get the skidsteer, swapped the forks for the bucket and headed back to make the spot. Kaylin had to go to work with no days or time left able to take off. Britt and Shaina brought Coco down on the quad (another favorite of hers) and we laid her to rest between Zoe and big D.

Britt and I started selecting and scanning photos to share on Facebook. Shaina now had to leave for work. It took us about an hour but only had a fraction of the photos we have of this little muffin head.

B had a bit of quiet time before I had her come out with me to check the horses. She hosed Bird and Switch (then put on her heat boots) while I fed all hay and apples. Switch is doing better, fingers crossed she just turned it and is coming around in time for the tournament this w/e. However I did get a call from a fellow player who offered his horse for Snowy for the w/e so we are in for sure.

She went back to her quiet time and I worked on trying to suck up the flying ant invasion in the house and vacuuming Lexi hair off the main floor as well. I hauled a few saddle pads over for washing as well as outdoor scrub and hose. Britt came out to load her tack. I swapped out saddles too for w/e and cleaned out the front tack room after our trail ride. Max popped out and helped her load water and such and brought her Subway to finally eat. They then hit the TV room to watch a movie.

Lexi and I ventured out at 10 to take the boots off Switch, sanded my painted treasure boxes and got Lola in. Kaylin was home after midnight from work and Shaina not long after from work and friend visit.

This was the tribute I had written up and read to her today,

Today we say good bye to someone who has been part of our lives for 13 years, how do you say good bye to such a huge part of your life all bundled in a fluffy little package? You don't, you say thank you! 
Thank you for teaching the girls how to be kind and caring pet owners, 
Thank you for your unconditional love you gave us and anyone who met you, 
Thank you for your patience letting the girls dress up up in costumes for Halloween, Christmas and just every day fun costumes,
Thank you for being such a great mom to 5 little fluff balls; one of which became another huge part of our family and deeply missed and one who lives just down the road,
Thank you for being such a laid back girl who loves to sleep in, greet everyone enthusiastically at the door, loves riding in the front of a quad on our many quad trips, loves the smell of Tim's drive thru excited fora Tim bit, the kind of girl who could eat a giant toblerone bar and still keep her girlish figure, whose love of chocolate could sniff it out even if in layers of bags,
Thank you for being such a cutie with your unique caramel color super fluffy hair and eyes and adorable under bite,
Thank you for being an independent spirit with a huge heart, you have taught us so much. We are very blessed to have you in our family.
Thank you for being our Princess Coco Chanel! We love you !! You will forever be missed XOXOXO


  1. Well done. She was lucky to have you for her family. Sorry for your loss.
