Thursday, August 17, 2017

Odd sad day

Odd getting up for coffee and not finding Coco in one of her usual spots to say hi ;( Lexi did not want to eat either. Britt needed a hug before heading off to work missing her a ton too. The other two work later so are sleeping in. I got to cleaning the kitchen and starting more laundry - mostly horse, and the dishwasher then went out to hemp oil and wax the treasure boxes.

I put on the heat boots on Switch for her 4 hour stretch at 10. Lexi and I rousted the girls around 11 to join us. They made toad in the holes to go with their stronger coffee batch. Kaylin got ready and was off to work at 12:30 when Shaina came out to catch KD to ride. I had a horse care day with moving Pepper to the new paddock after dosing him with cough herbs first, rode Hawk for a short conditioning ride, filled the salt/minerals tubs, trimmed Daisy, hauled out a bale to all the horses how were now back in paddocks, removed the boots at 2 and pick them some more fresh apples. There is still lots to load for the tournament but Shaina did get her tack in before she got ready and was off to work around 2:30.

Accounting and organizing for the w/e filled my afternoon. I also finished Coco's blog post which was hard. We sure are going to miss this little fluff ball who has been with us day and night for 13 years; Thru many adventures and loads of memories. We know you are running like the wind and frolicking with Zoe & Big D; your best friend and big brother. XOXO This image makes my heart happy.

I had supper ready for Britt when she got home and after eating we headed out. She rode Bird while I watered all my bone dry planters and garden ;(  Shaina was home from work around 8:30 catching the tail end of supper I had not put away yet. She brought us Tim's, thanks Dude.

Britt was out loading feed, jerseys, her new boots etc, Shaina got some last minute things ready too. Hopefully everything they need is packed. Both girls work tomorrow, Kaylin has the day off. She arrived home around 12:30 from another long day at work stopping to visit and be cheered up by a couple friends on the way home.

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