Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Baby Roo is black

I was up after 8 making coffee to take to Shaina to roust her for her 9 am shift. Poor girl has a terribly sore throat after breathing all the smoky air and now a runny nose. She did make it up and off to work. I made a fresh pot of strong coffee for Kaylin after 9 thinking she had to leave by 10:30 but misread her time change, her shift is not till 1:30, opps. I left Lex with her to go back to sleep. It is Dale's birthday so I put in a call to him, Happy cake day Day! XOXO

I checked the shop rain gauge and it read about 1 cm, better that then nothing I guess. Passing the garden I harvested the first of my zucchini FINALLY.

Coco seems to be having a harder day today so I gave her meds and brushed her hair after her bath last night. Poor little muffit. Kaylin came up before 11 and hauled out her baby photos. I rousted sleeping Britt to join us.

 she really tries to avoid the camera lol

I staged up a few pics of my now finished cloche and tray

 Britt and I headed over to work on getting a halter on Roo just before 12:30 with Kaylin heading to work soon after us.  We made a quick stop at the tack store for feed, salt and probiotics on our way by. Roo caught on quick and after an hour of working with her we had her halter able to be put on and off and had her leading for short distances. Such a smart cookie.

check out this new black baby, good bye caramel hair

 her first reaction with halter on.. run

but soon she calmed

and look how tall she is

We grabbed an ice cap and salad on our way home. Time to head out and see what is up with Switch only Britt found Bird had cut her back leg. Off to be hosed while I got first aid supplies. I hosed Switch then we dried and put the therapy boots on for 4 hours and gave her bute. After 2 hours she was still lame, UGH.

try the strawberry mango.. it is yum

I made hamburger soup I promised to Shaina for her cold. She was off work after 5 but needed coffee and soup to get going. She eventually got her car tidied then took KD for  conditioning ride alone after 8 seeing the rest were injured. When she was nearly done the dogs and I went out, Coco was quite concerned as to why Shaina was off her horse

I went out to paint the treasure box as well as a small one a couple coats of blue green milk paint before bed. Kaylin got home from work at 11 and crawled in to bed with me to be my roomie as I was writing up a Coco tribute ;) XOXOX

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