Monday, August 14, 2017

Shaina returns from Shambhala

Britt came in at 3:45 and Sheldon was up at 4:15 to be off to airport for an early flight today at 6 am. I awoke to the sound of a wee bit of rain hitting the windows after 8. It did not last long sadly and by 10 the sun was out. We sure could use the rain. Both Kaylin and Britt have today off so sleep in day for them although B did get up to grab a coffee and head back to bed.

I touched up the black chairs even more and hauled in to snap a few pictures to get posted.

The cloche base had a new product applied over the hemp oil called salad bowl finish. I also added little feet to the base too.

sun lover or shade lover, there is a spot for both

Kaylin, armed with cameras and her sidekick Lex, headed off after 2 on a photo taking adventure. The weather soon turned ugly again and she text it was raining at the river but not here after 3. I tried another new color of oil/stain on a raw wood box and worked on my blog post for the antique dresser currently in progress.

Of course since we had to haul horses at 6 the wind and rain rolled in at 5. Oh well if that is what it takes to get rain we will do that each night. Anyway Britt trudged thru the sideways rain to catch KD and Bird and I had the gate and trailer open to load and off we went. The line had 3 ahead of us as per usual but we did get both done and a saddle fitting to before heading back home before 7:30 with the rain now stopped.

after the rain makes for playful ponies

Kaylin was home all showered and relaxing with a movie in her room. B and I ate then I had a soak in a hot tub. Shaina got home just after 10!! She quickly showered and gave Coco a scrub while in there before sharing her festival highlights with me over her supper.

Be sure to look back at yesterday's blog if you have previously read it as I forgot the fox tail picking photos so have added them as well as here is the hanging basket I spray painted.. well hanging ;)

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