Wednesday, December 14, 2016

melancholy day

I awoke just before 5, not sure why but then try and go back to sleep did not happen for over an hour but I finally did but awoke with a start at 7 sure I heard a woof. Nope but it sure was bright outside with the full moon sparkling off the snow. I think I fell back asleep but again swore I heard a deep woof so went to check on Lola who was curled up on her cushion, hmmm. This time I fell back asleep not waking until 9:35!! Holy cow.

I went to let Lola out, she was still curled up but rolled over for a belly rub. When I did let her outside , she turned around to wait like she always does for D with her excited face. I had to remind her he wasn't coming out. :`( I went to make coffee and totally expected to see him cruise his routine path and settle in on the front deck in the sunshine. Sheesh, this will take time to not think of the everyday routine. I let her back in and added soft food to her not eaten food from yesterday. She did not eat again until I came out with my coffee later to work on the ruler. Still she only ate half but better then last few days.

I spent time reading all the kind comforting words people had been sending, thanks to all who sent them, texts and called. It is so nice to get them and know just how many people will miss the big lug.

I did get 3 coats of poly on the ruler by lunch. Sharon text she had our fund raiser items and would drop off. She arrived at 2 with a Starbucks chai and stayed for a 3 hour visit. Thanks Sharon, that picked up my sluggish melancholy day.

Asher had his first Christmas concert tonight so I gathered my lists and such and was off to town before 6. I dropped a plant and cookie in a jar mix for Lynda with a sympathy card at the gym on my way to the school. The good part of owning a rental property right across from the school is parking on such a busy night. Yeah. I met he Paetz's right at the door and in we went. Ash and the rest of the K-3 sang their hearts out in a wonderfully sweet 1/2 hour show. This was perfect, short and sweet.

channeling Elmer ;)

yes the kids on either side are his age too ;)

My next stop was wally-world to load up on some gifts, groceries and kitty litter now the cats are in full time. I stopped quick at Monica's to pick up my first check from the booth she grabbed yesterday, another yeah.

Now Wally did not have candy cane ice cream that I saw so I stopped at no frills and they never got any this year, what! I grabbed a couple other things, ran thru the dollar store with no luck and made it into Edo to grab California rolls for supper just before they closed at 9, whew. Finally some supper, albeit finger food on the ride home but topped off with the scrumptious coconut pineapple ice cream I grabbed for dessert!

In the end, my day had some good sides to what started as a very melancholy sad day.

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