Tuesday, December 13, 2016

a real shitty day

The dogs were quiet today and when I went out before 9 no one was hungry. Lola did head out but D was labored in his breathing. I did get him to eat some ice and eventually he headed out fast at 10 for his bathroom break but the poor guy is still plagued with diarrhea. I stayed out working in the garage on a custom ordered ruler and watched Netflix while stroking his head and back. He just really preferred company to be with him.

I did come in at 1 for a bite to eat and a webinar I was signed up for. When I went back out at 1:30 he had tried to get outside to go and was now back on his cushions panting and rattly breathing. 
I got things cleaned up and sat down to do come research but eventually just called Dr Rand. He could hear his labored breathing and his gums were now very purple whiteish, all signs of tissue blood deprivation. He said he felt it best to not prolong his distress and would be out soon. I let everyone know, Britt had face time with him to say good bye. I told him how much he was loved and how much love and adventure he brought to our family. I gave him loads of hugs from everyone and kept up the body massage. He finally had a few more ice cubes and when he heard the vet truck pull in, he got busy doing his guarding of the lady routine ;) Dr Rand and his RVT did the prep. He said his tummy was indeed full of fluid from another bleed and felt it best to give him peace. Big D found his peace at 3:30, off to heaven to find the biggest bone then off to look to where he could bury it.

How hard saying goodbye is even knowing it is inevitable but knowing it was best for him and having LOADS of memories makes it bearable. I worked on putting a few photos up in his honor. Needless to say I could fill a book with the ones I have taken. I love photographs for this very reason. They take you back to those moments and memories and fill your heart with happy thoughts.

This larger then life fellow came into our lives 5 years ago and immediately won all our hearts. Actually, Diego won the heart of anyone who met him, his big boisterous woof was as large as his affectionate kisses and body hugs. He emanated gentle giant really believing his 175 lbs really was meant to be a lap dog. We will miss you every day big guy, thanks for giving us all your endless love and devotion! XXOOXOXO ~ love, me

I had the girls try and think of their memories to send me like they did for Zoe. We lost little miss Zoe 5 years ago in 4 days. And Travis lost Riley to cancer this same time a few years back. Dam you cancer, you are nasty. Old age is hard enough without you ravaging thru the world.

I LOVE this picture Shaina captured of D's big kisses

As the moon started to rise, it was big and bright and full much like D's really big life. He was big in everything he did, size, bark, kisses, hugs and his love for his people. Dogs really are the essence of unconditional love.

I set out to start the skid steer but it was too cold to turn over even though it hit -6 today so I learned how to plug it in. When I went back out after 6 it started right away. I loaded 2 of his favorite cushions in the bucket and left it to run. Neighbor Curtis was here at 7, we loaded D into the cushions and covered him in a blanket and let his body rest in the shop till his family burial Friday. Big thanks Curtis! On the way back to the house, I saw a shooting star! Our big star, the D man! XOXO

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