Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday snuggles

Sunday coffee in bed then on the deck on yet another beauty day. I got side tracked by plants needing watering and pulling spent plants. Sheldon found more dog poop in the garage so that was his morning task. He did do some swather repairs while Shaina and I rode in the hot 23 sun. On the route my hat slid back pulling my diamond earring back but after a ground search while Shaina held all the horses I FOUND IT!

She then had to get ready and head to town for her 1 pm work shift. I made a frosty pins colada for sweaty Sheldon and I. He ate and I sat back on the deck updating the blog.. Beauty day indeed. Britt pulled in around 1:30. She was soon downstairs of course but we headed to town first stop at the Paetz's to drop of their eggs and get in a snuggle and quick visit.

This little guy is growing like a weed, a snuggly cuddly weed ;) XOXO

We were then off to pick up some insulators and some polo wraps I scored on the online sites then headed to Peavy Mart to get a swather chain. Of course since it was 26 out and sunny, Sheldon stopped to wash the truck and as a suggested cure for my all day headache, he kindly used his DQ blizzard gift certificate. Yep it seemed to help ;)

Back at home, Britt was up at the island tackling Cookie Jam and a relaxing break was the order for the next hour as I simmered spaghetti sauce, one even snoring! Time for supper and then Britt and I went out to feed, soak and put on fly sheets as the bugs are out in full force, poor ponies.

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