Monday, July 25, 2016

appointment Monday

Last work week of July, Sheldon was off early and I was up early too and worked on putting a 2nd coat of pretty paint on the dresser. Being hot and dry again, I watered my planters and flower beds. Britt drug herself upstairs before noon ;)

I was off to the city after lunch making a stop at Costco ending up with hardly anything.. wow and then stopping at Home Depot and got completely skunked on my list of 20 things ;( Well I guess I saved $$ today. Not wanting to be late for my dermatologist appointment I headed downtown found a parking spot and the office. Now the almost hour wait to see him passed super slow and the actual appointment flew by. He did a biopsy on the rash site and made some suggestions but again said we may never find the cause of said rash ;(

Now for the crazy rush hour thru construction drive home, boo! The rain started soon after I started and continued at a good clip to the glenmore/817 intersection and few drops at the ranch. Britt was working on trimming trees after she and Shaina rode in the late afternoon. Sheldon was home and started frying spaghetti for supper. Britt joined us at 6 then she and I loaded Bird and Switch and were off to Murray to see about an adjustment while Sheldon stayed home to put his new swather chain on. The dark threatened to the west but we managed to finish Bird's adjustment and get them loaded before it let go and then it sure did, even at the ranch but not as hard as we let them out.


When it let up around 9:30 I checked and we had 1/10th, good enough to water all grass and flowers, thank you Lord. This however caused poor Shaina to get her shift cut short yet again on mens night. She got home about the same time the rain let up after unstocking her beer cart and cashing out. Loading up on a few snacks she hit the sheets for a rest.

UPS delivered another goody package today, yeah!

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