Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sunny Saturday in July

Coffee on the deck started off this gorgeous day, Britt got home after 2 last night but was up and packing goodies and off to her 10 am salon shift.Sheldon is on a mission to find a baler and after arranging a few to look at was off by 11.

Seeing fireball was still parked outside from last night, it was perfect time to haul out another big dresser, sand scrub and get painting.


white dresser had all hardware put back on

I was finishing up around 4 when Britt got home from work and a stop at the gym. After her shower she came out to make the food for the girls while I soaked Switch's foot and put an essential oil mix on her still ailing rough patch. She then was off to finish dressing and meet Josh and friends for supper before heading to Rockyford rodeo cab. I was hand grazing Switch when Sheldon pulled in after his unsuccessful round the area baler tour as Britt pulled out around 5;30.

It was not long and Shaina came thru the door from her day on the golf course. She hit the couch and napped for an hour while I continued to make my rhubarb syrup. Leftovers were on the menu before we all went out to ride. Shaina took along Baby and I hauled Daisy along too. What a gorgeous 25 day and night. Perfect for a ride, Shaina and I went for a little longer and once back and had horses hosed, Sheldon had a fire going.

Nice to have Shaina out for the night, and Diego was so happy to have her as she gave him and extended spa treatment. We all called it a night around 10:30.

does this angle make my butt look big? no D it just is ;)

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