Tuesday, June 14, 2016

off with a bang

Tuesday started with a bang. Literally at 5:30 am. Lola had a busy night barking and when Sheldon awoke for work he saw a coyote right in the horse pen so grabbed his gun and let 2 bullets fly. The horses took off like a shot but so did the coyote :0)

I was lucky to go back to sleep but when B got up at 9, she said she awoke with a start and stayed awake.. Jet lag did not help either. Unfortunately there was no creamer or creamer after one so our coffee drinking was short lived. I enjoyed the picture presentation of Thailand. Britt took allot of great pictures to document her adventure. The day was overcast,cooler and WINDY. She did help me sort all the jerseys out and mark whose was each ready to get to them.

A meeting with the landscape crew had the patio changed to more of a square as in the plan vs circle as per guy. This required 2 Gus to work at it today. They also loaded all the excess sandstone and cut down the grade on some high areas. Tomorrow the pavers are to arrive, fingers crossed. I chose the "grout" color too.

Time to haul in the coffee table and stage up.

I put on some soup bones to simmer the afternoon away. Britt fell back asleep after lunch and struggled to get back up. I rousted her again when I left for town around 2. The fridge is near bare so groceries were in order as well as creamer. A gal had called yesterday offering me an antique dresser, what! For sure I will be in tomorrow so that was my next stop. I did have to wait a bit as I was ahead of schedule then we got to talking shop for awhile to. Eventually I made it over to Paetz's to drop off their eggs delivered yesterday and get in a visit and some baby snuggles.

I was back home at 5 where Britt was getting ready for ball (having gotten up and riding Bird after I left) and Sheldon was relaxing on the couch having been home a half hour. He helped put away groceries while I chopped up veggies for the soup and got it to final stages. Luckily it was done for Britt to chow down a bowl before Josh picked her up and they were off to ball. Sheldon hit the couch for a nap but did finally brave the crappy wind and dump the clay from the trailer. The truck needed fuel so a quick trip to town solved that and rebooked it to the horse trailer for tomorrow's practice, thanks Prince.
 todays landscape progress.. the sandstone patio has been expanded and step added at deck

I continued work on the dreaded dining table top, put another coat on the frames and gave KD her pills. Blog updates and paint orders outweighed riding pepper in this wind too. Britt and Josh were back from ball around 10:30 bringing Momma a hot Tim's chai, thanks you two!!

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