Wednesday, June 15, 2016

polox practice & patio

Today I was up after 8 getting ready for the paver install day but sadly there was only a sand delivery just before 10. Time to work on the darn table that crackled in yet another place after I sanded and put on another coat.. this is getting old, think it is time for plan b.

The nursery frame was my morning project, I planned to trace the stencil and hand paint but it seemed to stick well to the freshly painted background so painted like normal. Once dry I used my new oil pen in silver to outline the words and draw a couple arrows.

I had to force jet lagged B out of bed by 1230, she just could not do it on her own. She and I went out, caught Pepper and KD and went for conditioning. Wade the landscaper arrived to see if pavers arrived but of course they had not yet. He unloaded his skid steer and was off to get ties. Not long after as we were practicing in the paddock, the pavers finally arrived around 1:30 and were all unloaded by the time we untacked and I smoothed Pepper's feet. Wade was back and spent a couple hours working on the tie patio frame and such then off by 4.
 from the morning to end of day ;)
 and the delivery

Britt was back resting but forced to get moving, making a pizza for the road and loading horses. She and I had KD and Bird loaded and ready to go by 5 as Sheldon pulled in. He chose to stay home and water trees so we headed west bucking the dang wind all the way. Tonight was practice with the Ranahan club. It was a good night, loaded up after 9 and heading back home, the wind now finally dying down. We did make a stop at A&W to grab a second supper on the way. "Hugh" was out moving his sprinkler as we pulled in unloaded and B fed the Bird.

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