Tuesday, May 31, 2016

riding lessons for two

So today I narrowed down the cause of my recent "flu" symptoms.. the new oil I started is wreaking havoc on my system. They suggest to cut in half or less but I think I shall take a break ;) Today is a gorgeous 20 sunny day, perfect for our riding lessons after lunch. I saw we had yet another broken rail so investigated how to help itchy Daisy.

Britt ran to town quick to tan before returning to catch her horse and warm up before her 1 pm lesson. Anna arrived and they had a good lesson going over her hour even. I putzed around doing yard work while observing the lesson then got warmed up for my turn. Anna got Switch and I back on track and after a visit at the end she was off by 4. Thanks Anna!

Britt in action

 Anna gets on to demonstrate what she is asking Britt to learn as well as show Bird

 Switch patiently waiting.. then it is our turn
 Britt then rode KD (for a small fee ;0)

Sheldon arrived home soon after with a rolled ankle which cramped walking for rest of the day ;( I made up pizza dough and Britt  made a pizza for supper. I was trying to read a insecticide bottle which exploded on my.. good grief! I did make up a small amount and put on saddle pad leaving to dry in the sun. As Britt was picked up for ball, I was washing Miss Daisy trying to help her itch. I can relate to her poor thing. I also treated her and KD with Cylence to help with irritating bugs and tossed the broke concentrate bottle. I had to restock all the mineral/kelp tubs and fill the far water tank and scooped the lawn as I do not like watching for land mines. And the lawn is coming in so nice and green it looks awesome. I also walked the dogs while pushing wheelbarrow to pit, gotta love multitasking. Back inside it was time for a good soak to flush off remaining insecticide ;/ and relax for the night along with the gimp.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Miserable Monday

Miserable weather Monday, it was still raining when Sheldon left before 6 but had stopped when I awoke an hour later. The wind continued to howl, ;( I awoke with a headache and tried to sleep it off but no luck. Flu like symptoms plagued me as well, time for some Tylenol washed down with coffee.

I checked the rain gauge, 4/10ths thru the night, that is great, now the wind can leave ;) Once the pills kicked in I worked on accounting, blog and promotion. Britt finally surfaced around noon. I did convince her to come to town with me on an errand run. I had to pick up 2 auction wins

 this antique high chair and newer coffee table

try some sunglasses on at the optometrists then grab groceries with a Tim's. I cooked up a family favorite, tacos for supper. Sheldon then hit the theater room for Stanley cup game, Britt fed Bird and watched Netflix in her room while I went out and tweaked Baby's front feet, tried a new medicine on Switch's patch, watered deck plants and filled the puppy pool. It was sunny hitting 15 but still so windy!

The wind finally let up to a lesser tornado so Sheldon and I took dogs for a short walk as Britt headed to the gym. Seems big butt Daisy broke a rail rubbing her rump so S McGyvered it to hold for a bit while I worked on removing more Lola hair. B was back home a bit before Shaina arrived at 11 to stay the night for work tomorrow too.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Sunday in the sunshine

The gorgeous sunshine continued today drawing us to the deck to have our morning coffee. Lola continues to get hunks of winter hair pulled out and with the slight breeze it looked like winter for awhile ;) Britt begrudgingly headed off to work at 9:30. Sheldon did his first successful gopher run of the day.

 look how green the ranch looks

The sun continued to beckon us outside so gardening and yard work ensued. More seeds planted and the potatoes are already pushing thru! Sheldon built a ramp for the west end of the arena and we got it leveled in nicely. He then pushed gravel back up around it and all the edges on north and west sides to make tidy.

hard to see but look way back beside the gate, this little bugger was greeting me in the wrong paddock after he removed the top rail and came on over

My first pickup arrived around noon to get the deep freeze followed soon behind by the gal finally picking up the cedar chest. I trimmed Pepper again to balance up his quick changes. The gopher hunter made many more treks out during the day blasting off about 5 boxes of shells claiming a 90% accuracy rate.

the couple stopped to pick up their custom pieces ;)

Shaina was home from her work shift with a migraine and throwing up so I tuckered into bed with water, crackers and migraine pills. By the time Britt got home from work she was ready to head out and ride. Cassidy came out and she and Shaina took a leisurely stroll on Daisy and KD while Britt and I worked Bird and Switch in the paddock and practiced. The 21 degree weather was fantastic.Sheldon has a sunburned head to prove it lol

Shaina gave Daisy wormer before letting her back out while Britt and I dosed up the cats and then had to wrestle Lola to give her hers. Literally wrestle, she hates this stuff! Shaina was then off leaving us to our steak supper. Britt was picked by Josh soon after and they headed to the city for a movie, Neighbors 2. Sheldon and I caught up on some PVR Quantico's. The weather started to take a nasty turn after supper, D had to go in garage of course, blowing in rain when I let Coco out at 1 am.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

first polocrosse jackpot

What a great day for the first jackpot. They had threatened rain all week but the day started out sunny and nice. Sheldon was out after a few motivating coffees and sprayed the missing patches. I packed up some drinks and snacks. I tried out my new helmet.. seems like a better fit for sure ;)

We caught and loaded the horses around 11:30 (both Pepper and Daisy were a bit lame so Sheldon opted to just be driver) and headed west hitting the parking lot around 12:30. Britt and I tacked up all 3 horses (Switch, Bird & KD) and hit the field to warm up. Just as play was about to begin a rain squall rolled in, KD became crusty as was Bird and when I let Britt try KD she tried to pitch her which did not add to the days anxiety. As the rain let loose, we went back and untacked Switch and KD and headed back to the field to watch play as the sun began to peek out.

Switch taking it all in

It only got better from there. At 4 ish we loaded up and headed home where once unloaded, I tacked Switch back up for her daily ride. Britt joined bareback on Bird while Sheldon mowed the now bushy green grass. It always looks amazing when cut but after the last rains it looks uber amazing. He also blasted the dandelions around the house with spray.. a real spray day!

After supper, Britt showered up and was to town to celebrate grad. Sheldon and I degrunged with a long soak and hit the comfy bed to watch Saturday Night live, He of course fell asleep so I continued on my recent evening Netflix watching of the Good Wife. I fell asleep for about an hour before I ran to town at 1 to pick up B. So crazy I had all green lights and was there and back in 20 minutes ;)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Grama's table finished

The day started out misted and overcast but had a few sunny spells. Sheldon went in late not leaving the house till 7:30! Britt was up and off to work around 9 stopping at Tim's for coffee and a muffin on her way. I had a gal coming after cancelled about 4 times so far and sure enough she cancelled today too ;(

I managed to give Grama Pat's table a few coats of wax during the day and washed down the table I bought awhile back. My plan for it was to milk paint it like the cedar chest but then I remembered being so smooth it may not cover much so I put out a help on the milk paint page.

So cool, my first feature on a blog inspiration party.. check it out here.

A few sprinkles of rain came down after 2 but not much to even wet the deck. Sheldon was home by 3:30 and Shaina not far behind. We all caught our horses and went out for a "springy" for some of us ride.
Sheldon left car door open and guess who thought it was time for a car ride, he loves the comfy merc ;)

Britt pulled in from work about 4:40 as we were heading back to the house. We let the horses go in their respective pens, Sheldon tossed a bale and Shaina packed up some chicken supper and was off. Sheldon, Britt, Diego and Coco loaded up in the merc and went gopher hunting while I made pizzelles and cookies.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

more welcome rain

Coco turns 12 today, happy birthday Coco!!

I spent the morning cleaning out the freezer to post, moving my car back inside along with 2 flats of beer left outside ??, tree inspections as per the Prince's research..
the leaves may have been touched by frost but the trees are definitely different health.. the far south one worse each year ;(

Then just before lunch Britt and I went out to ride Bird and Switch. It was a lovely sunny 19.

Time for Britt to shower up for work at 3. Shaina and Brad stopped out after her shift ending at 2. She and I went out now 20 degrees, this time I took Daisy, she KD first for a conditioning ride taking Baby along for part of it. She did very well then we went back to practice in the paddock. Not complaining in the least.. we got rained out, we tried to wait it out in the shelter but it looked socked in after 10 minutes so we bolted to the barn, unpacked and released them.

Brad was sweet enough to hold poor Coco who had her worst nightmare on her bday. They loaded up and headed back to the city going to a comedy show. The rain continued until after 5 bringing down 4/10ths and leaving a gorgeous double rainbow!

 to the SE
 and to the west.. still raining with sun
 then to the east!!

Not long after it let up, our cannabis order was delivered! I slurped back my oil and Diego chowed down his pellets like a champ. Lola who is ailing from a torn dew claw said no thanks. Now to see about the fat pony but I think she will eat it and the bowl served in ;) It seems I was mistaken.. but the other 3 nearby hoovered down the remainder. Think it is an acquired taste for some.

Sheldon was home at 7, just in time for the roasted chicken spread I cooked up for supper. Served with roasted veggies and fresh Parmesan, hot naan bread, sweet potatoes, corn on cob, gravy and a quinuoa/wild rice mixture it was so yummy, perfect for a rainy day feast. Britt enjoyed her share when home from her 9 pm shift close. Sheldon was late today after stopping at the bank for an appointment then the rental house. Seems the renter has no pressure in kitchen but everywhere else, only changes was he installed a new faucet. Well I am not a plumber but that said to me that it had to be the issue. Sure enough it seems the son of renter did some McGyver crap and the new faucet is plugged with rubber scrapings!! AH duh, not technically our problem, replace with the working original buddy ;)