Monday, May 30, 2016

Miserable Monday

Miserable weather Monday, it was still raining when Sheldon left before 6 but had stopped when I awoke an hour later. The wind continued to howl, ;( I awoke with a headache and tried to sleep it off but no luck. Flu like symptoms plagued me as well, time for some Tylenol washed down with coffee.

I checked the rain gauge, 4/10ths thru the night, that is great, now the wind can leave ;) Once the pills kicked in I worked on accounting, blog and promotion. Britt finally surfaced around noon. I did convince her to come to town with me on an errand run. I had to pick up 2 auction wins

 this antique high chair and newer coffee table

try some sunglasses on at the optometrists then grab groceries with a Tim's. I cooked up a family favorite, tacos for supper. Sheldon then hit the theater room for Stanley cup game, Britt fed Bird and watched Netflix in her room while I went out and tweaked Baby's front feet, tried a new medicine on Switch's patch, watered deck plants and filled the puppy pool. It was sunny hitting 15 but still so windy!

The wind finally let up to a lesser tornado so Sheldon and I took dogs for a short walk as Britt headed to the gym. Seems big butt Daisy broke a rail rubbing her rump so S McGyvered it to hold for a bit while I worked on removing more Lola hair. B was back home a bit before Shaina arrived at 11 to stay the night for work tomorrow too.

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