Tuesday, May 31, 2016

riding lessons for two

So today I narrowed down the cause of my recent "flu" symptoms.. the new oil I started is wreaking havoc on my system. They suggest to cut in half or less but I think I shall take a break ;) Today is a gorgeous 20 sunny day, perfect for our riding lessons after lunch. I saw we had yet another broken rail so investigated how to help itchy Daisy.

Britt ran to town quick to tan before returning to catch her horse and warm up before her 1 pm lesson. Anna arrived and they had a good lesson going over her hour even. I putzed around doing yard work while observing the lesson then got warmed up for my turn. Anna got Switch and I back on track and after a visit at the end she was off by 4. Thanks Anna!

Britt in action

 Anna gets on to demonstrate what she is asking Britt to learn as well as show Bird

 Switch patiently waiting.. then it is our turn
 Britt then rode KD (for a small fee ;0)

Sheldon arrived home soon after with a rolled ankle which cramped walking for rest of the day ;( I made up pizza dough and Britt  made a pizza for supper. I was trying to read a insecticide bottle which exploded on my.. good grief! I did make up a small amount and put on saddle pad leaving to dry in the sun. As Britt was picked up for ball, I was washing Miss Daisy trying to help her itch. I can relate to her poor thing. I also treated her and KD with Cylence to help with irritating bugs and tossed the broke concentrate bottle. I had to restock all the mineral/kelp tubs and fill the far water tank and scooped the lawn as I do not like watching for land mines. And the lawn is coming in so nice and green it looks awesome. I also walked the dogs while pushing wheelbarrow to pit, gotta love multitasking. Back inside it was time for a good soak to flush off remaining insecticide ;/ and relax for the night along with the gimp.

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