Friday, July 10, 2015

another scorcher

Sleep in day ;) not much happened as sluggish day for Britt and Sheldon. He did hose down the dogs and water my garden in the hot 31 degree afternoon. I managed to try and get computer back in order but was unsuccessful even after another problem shooting call with the shop. I made a homemade rhubarb crisp for our potluck dinner contribution and loaded up other goodies to tide us over for the camp out.

Shaina stopped out to visit quick and ride before heading to a friends for a fire tonight. She is going to stay here so dog care is all good, thanks lovey! She also came back after her golf round to show Baby to a couple looking too.
We loaded the horses and headed south at 5 and arrived to only slightly cooler temps around 28 to practice in. It was not long and Sheldon and I were done and enjoying a cold beverage. The night was full of beverages, social time and a blazing campfire once the sun went down and it got a bit cooler. Not allot of need for blankets tonight in the trailer or truck back (Britt's hotel room).

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