Friday, November 30, 2012

585 - Calgary bound

Day 585 I rushed down to Britt's room at 7:10 to see if she was ready for the bus only to have her tell me is was a flex Friday! HAHAHA back to bed for me. Sheldon had taken today off for appointments in the city so he enjoyed a sleep in too.

Shaina was up and off to babysit Asher around 9:15. Sheldon ran to town just after ten to do some repairs at the rental house before we headed to the city. Britt and I were ready when he got back (with a hot tea) and we went to Calgary at 11:30.

First stop was to see Dr Roberts for an elimination for each of us, mine corn and Sheldon's was eggs. Britt went shopping at Market Mall while we saw her and we then went to join her to shop a bit before the next appointment. That was with Dr Marcy the chiropractor at 2:30.

We tried to return items at the chalk paint store but it was closed :-( however the Play Factory had our trampoline ready for pick up. We dropped Britt at Chinook to do some more shopping while we ran to Home Sense then Costco. By now it was 5:30 and we were hungry. Britt filled up at the mall so we stopped quick at Oriental Phoenix, one of our favorite Vietnamese places and had supper before picking her up.
~I scrubbed the glass shower door inside out until it shone!!~

We were back at the ranch by 7, almost 9 hours later. Britt showered and packed a bag to stay at Brooke's as they both work the early shift tomorrow. Shaina and Brandon stopped by to grab a swim suit and were off to Cluny for a hot tub. Sheldon ran Britt in to town around 8:30 then he and I watched Horrible Bosses. Shaina was home by 11.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

584 - cool windy day & foggy night

Day 584 was a normal Thursday, drop Britt at school and go to work. After lunch went to Wal-Mart to Christmas shop then stopped for a few more groceries and the mail before heading home.
I was most pleased to see all but one pony using the wind break as I pulled up the drive. Sheldon rolled them out a new bale once home form work.
Britt enjoying the delicious pomegranate season.

I whipped up a scrumptious supper then the 3 of us watched 5 hours of PVR Revolution show on a foggy winter night. Shaina arrived home late after working her evening shift at Road House and spending the day with Kaylin and Lexi.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

583 - accounting day

Day 583 found us still in the cold snap.. and not even cold compared to what it will get but chilly to me. School and work, Shaina working Target at 9 am too. Hard to believe one year ago today we slept in the house for our first official night!

After I was finished at work at 1 I washed my car then went to stock up on groceries. Back at the ranch I unloaded the dreaded grocery run then remembered I needed to pay a few bills and that found me doing accounting all afternoon. Britt worked after school. Shaina was to be done at 4 but Lynda did not know she was the next one so did not get there until just before 6.

For supper Sheldon barbequed the marinating venison I made up and chopped a sweet potato up while Shaina made a salad while I kept accounting. Friends came to pick Shaina up once she was done and off to town they went. I also realized Friday was GST day so spent the next 2 1/2 hours doing my business books!! Not sure why time goes so fast or why I don't do some each month.

After supper Sheldon ran to town to meet the new tenants and do walk thru with vacating tenants. He also did a few errands and then picked Britt up from work at 9. Pretty sure it was Britt's idea but they brought me home a piping hot tea. Yum!

Shaina stopped back home around 10 then went back into meet Kaylin to go with her for another sleepover and shopping date.
a super cute photo Britt took on her phone of Lexi last week when she was here

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

582 - cooking school

Day 582 I awoke after the comfiest cozy sleep ever in the new sheets, Love them! I did a tea run for work after dropping Britt off at school. Shaina babysat Asher and worked Target today.  after work.

I was very lucky to have scheduled a hot stone massage with Cassandra at 12:30 and enjoyed it immensely. I did a few errands including a lengthy chat at the bank trying to figure out money for Shaina's travels before running home to get ready since tonight Amanda, Kaylin,Aaron and I are attending a salad master cooking class. I also picked up some more Christmas gifts, I am not sure I have ever been this organized gift wise this early.

Britt was home off the bus and did dog patrol with little success do to squished and frozen but did get some and threw in the trash so Sheldon could add it to the pile he took to the dump once home form work since the garage was very stinky with the meat remnants. He also took the remaining carcass out and set it as a coyote bait station.

I drove back to town at 4:45 to Amanda's picking her up for our date. We stopped and picked up Kaylin and Aaron at North hill mall. We were not sure we would get food so AJ and I ate a bit at home but the other two did not so we stopped at Tims for them to grab a bite to eat and me a delicious chai tea.

Kaylin won an apron shown here with the model of 1 pound of fat - what is found off 8 chicken thighs

After a bit of a detour we found the place and took part in the cooking class. They made lots of food including chicken and stuffing, ham, cheesy potatoes, carrot yam combo, fresh beet salad, carrot salad , endive salad and a pumpkin loaf for dessert. It was over around 9 so we made our way back dropping Kaylin off and then AJ then home..Shaina visited with Brandon after work and was home about 10:30 soon after me.

Monday, November 26, 2012

581 - Shaina is booked to go down under

Day 581 Britt was off early on the bus after a later evening of her and I (and part time Sheldon) watching Arthur Christmas. It was a cute animated Christmas show. I had a disrupted sleep after waking around 1:30 and not getting back to sleep for about 3 hours, grrr. I was however the sausage in the middle as Shaina enjoys our cozy bed. I did get back to sleep until Sheldon called a quarter to ten :-) I flogged Shaina up by 11.

my quilt rack urethaned and back in business and below my new micro flannel sheets I put on our bed.. can't wait!!
Today was a clean house day and get stuff in order. Much time was spent on the phone with the travel agent but in the end we officially booked Shaina's trip "down under". She leaves for New Zealand December 31 and returns from Australia May 6th. She plans to incorporate a trip to Thailand from there to for February and part of March.

After lunch Coco was whining at the door and seemed to have some pain. I called the vets who thought it sounded like a pulled muscle or tendon or compression in her back from a jump off the deck perhaps. She was put on bed rest but this had Shaina quite upset thinking it might be more. We do have her a vet check tomorrow morning if she does not seem better by then.

I made a trip to the storage trailer looking for some Christmas gifts and found one of my shelves I think would look good in the half bath. I am going to stain it dark and see what I think.
By 4 Coco seemed to be whining and uncomfortable so we loaded her up and took her to the vets, Britt arrived home in time to go with us. Dr Rand took x-rays and found the spine good and indeed as I suspected a very full tummy. It seems she had anal gland issues and constipation causing distress so an enema and anti inflammatory were the treatment and after a bill of $250 we were on our way.

Shaina stayed with her in the car while Britt and I ran into Wal-mart to get Coco Metamucil and a few other items. By now it was 6 pm and Britt drove us home. Sheldon had put the steel head trout in and made rice and a salad so we enjoyed a nice family supper. After supper Shaina headed down for a bath while Sheldon and Britt began the process of cutting the sausage meat. I updated the blog and entertained myself with laundry and more cleaning.

The butchers sent in tenderloin and I marinated with this venison marinade recipe but used olive and sesame oil combined.
Britt came in around 10 for a snack and to do homework while Sheldon finished up.
the very plump dog who is very much liking hunting season

Sunday, November 25, 2012

580 - 4-h awards brunch

Day 580 is Sunday November 25, one month till Christmas!!! Today is 4-H awards brunch at the Station. The girls and I were off just before 10 making a quick stop to pick up a garage sale purchase in Esso parking lot (Shaina thought it was funny and we should flash our lights to make the drop) At the brunch the girls were awarded
Britt received 1st in Intermediate Record book,and 3rd for Public Speaking and Horsemanship, she was also runner up for Proficiency although there was no presentation or award for runner up. It is a huge honor as takes all aspects of 4-H into account and was very close.
Shaina won 1st for Senior Record book, 2nd for Presentations and Horsemanship and she too was runner up for Proficiency. We are very proud of the girls and their accomplishments in 4-H. It is a very rewarding program and will be a benefit for life to them all, especially the public speaking aspect.

Britt and the record book trophy, proudly 6 years undefeated as first place! It was the first year she was not the top in public speaking but she has done so well placing first in the years past. Congratulations girls!!

Sheldon stayed home and worked int he garage moving items to the storage trailer and loading the TV for the fellow who bought for his son. After the brunch I dropped Britt at Paetz's who were kind enough to drive her to work at 3 and Shaina at Gail's. They were going shopping in the city meeting Kaylin. I ran to work to fax papers for Kaylin, put trophies back in my office, leave Coreena a movie and some books to read and drop Shelby's awards on Sharons desk before a stop at the church to drop a dress to a lady then home. Wait I also grabbed Sheldon and I a tea which were actually bought by my co-worker Gord who was ahead of me in line. Thanks Gord!!

Back at the ranch the sun shone brightly. A fellow stopped to pickup 2 bales then Sheldon and I popped over to Goslings for a cup of Christmas cheer. We were back home in time for the 100th Grey Cup. I ran to town to grab Britt from work at 7 and Shaina from her shopping excursion. Fairly quiet night as Shaina packed up to go boarding tomorrow, Sheldon watched the Stamps lose and I helped Britt with some music searches.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

579 - successful hunting day for Sheldon

Day 579 found the sleepless night continuing with Sheldon cell going off just before 7, seems his alarm did not go off and he was to meet a friend to hunt today. He jumped out of bed and grabbed his stuff and headed out in no time.

Lammles called at 9 am to let us know the new size boots are in... OK this means time to get up. Coffee with baileys creamer started out my sunny day. I put on Christmas music, enjoying a few new albums; Blake Shelton : Cheers its Christmas, A very Special Christmas , Colbie Caillat : Christmas in the Sand & Lady Antebellum : On the Winter Night    Today is my niece Stephanie's 18th birthday, Happy Birthday Steph!!! hugs from the entire Klan
Britt was up not long after waiting for Lexi to wake up. Kaylin brought her up an hour or so later. The girls watched Lexi and Coco wrestle for quite some time, they had fun but poor Coco had to take outside breaks to cool off and eat snow.

I put a first coat of urethane on the quilt rack then left it to dry till tomorrow. Britt went to check on Bird's wound and snap an update photo, the weather outside was lovely.
this is the wound now, she has healed amazingly shown above with scab and below removed, she is fairly wooly too
Kaylin was picked up by Gail to check out the Christmas market just before 1.  Britt started to make a double batch of peanut butter cookies before I ran her to town to work at 3. She left me to finish panning and baking.. and eating HAHAHA Shannon went home just before 2. Sheldon had text he indeed got us some sausage meat much to the girls pleasure! Britt has offered to help cut meat again.
Kaylin went to work just before 5. Shaina stayed in bed all day sick so it was just me, left overs again :-) I made raspberry vinaigrette for supper tomorrow, hope it is yummy. Aaron picked up Lexi just before 7, he did not have luck hunting today.

I updated the blog and perused the online sites and even sold our once cutting edge picture in picture 32 inch Toshiba TV, we bought it for $1600 and scored $10 :-) lesson learned over the years is we seem to get caught up in the features that cost extra that we never use. Think we used PIP twice, bottom line, don't pay for extras, a nice clear picture is all you need.

Sheldon arrived home at 9 with his kill. I drove the skid steer after his futile attempts to lift it and get thru the garage door. My driving allowed him to lift the head and get it in the garage to skin.  Brandon stopped by around 9:30 to visit sick Shaina and check out Sheldon's catch.
Diego was beside himself not sure what to do from the moment Sheldon pulled up, here he cannot help himself from sniffing it but he sat nearby (whining) as Sheldon skinned it tossing him scraps along the way.
do you think Britt needs to make another bottle depot run, she was there not long ago! hard to see but the bags are full of clamato jugs and cans, Sheldon is quite the booze hound! :-)

I ran to town to pick up Britt from work at 10:30 then read.

Sheldon did not finish skinning till midnight when Britt drove the skid steer to get it back out and hung in a shed. Then he continued to clean the garage so Diego could sleep peacefully and came in for a shower finally at 1 am. It was along but successful day for the mighty hunter.

Friday, November 23, 2012

578 - movie night

Day 578 was a Friday with Sheldon back to work and Britt off on the bus early. I was up at 9 updating the blog and checking online garage sale items. Shaina was a slug and finally got moving near 1 pm!! I have a multiple stop flight package she needs to fine tune before we can book

I did a bit more distressing on the stool and hated it so repainted it, I want to jazz it up with Kuhn or family, or maybe scroll work.. any suggestions??

Shaina took off for town around 2:45 to tan and get a massage then off to the city to go out with Shannon to Cowboys! (she lives the life this child!! :-) ) I spent time ordering Shaina's grad photos to send with thank you cards.
While on the computer I saw Mitzy catch 2 mice, finally Jenkins scored one.. or stole it from her but at least he is getting the idea he has to earn his keep. Seems this rock pile is home to a few rascally rodents but is now a take out restaurant for the cats!
After getting home form work, Sheldon rolled out a bale for the starving ponies. Shaina's plans changed and she showed up at supper time as we were eating. After supper we watched Green Lantern then Colombiana. Both were good movies. Shannon joined us thru the second one and stayed the night.

Kaylin and Lexi showed up at 1:30am staying the night. Shaina was throwing up at abut 2:30am then crawled in with us, it was a very sleepless night for me.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 577 - updated with more photos

Day 577 was cut short on the photos here are my painting and staining project updates

 the bottom of the stool testing in a chalky white.. no thanks

left before raw pine

right stained cabinet color
 the stool ready to be painted

left leaving top oak color and right full coverage. I did some distressing on it too but will wait till morning to decide if i like it
this is the sample area on the door

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

welcome to new blog #3

Welcome to blog 3 of our ranch build you can find

year 1 at and

year 1/2 at

I have changed settings so anyone can post comments, please feel free to post on the blog, enjoy!