Friday, November 30, 2012

585 - Calgary bound

Day 585 I rushed down to Britt's room at 7:10 to see if she was ready for the bus only to have her tell me is was a flex Friday! HAHAHA back to bed for me. Sheldon had taken today off for appointments in the city so he enjoyed a sleep in too.

Shaina was up and off to babysit Asher around 9:15. Sheldon ran to town just after ten to do some repairs at the rental house before we headed to the city. Britt and I were ready when he got back (with a hot tea) and we went to Calgary at 11:30.

First stop was to see Dr Roberts for an elimination for each of us, mine corn and Sheldon's was eggs. Britt went shopping at Market Mall while we saw her and we then went to join her to shop a bit before the next appointment. That was with Dr Marcy the chiropractor at 2:30.

We tried to return items at the chalk paint store but it was closed :-( however the Play Factory had our trampoline ready for pick up. We dropped Britt at Chinook to do some more shopping while we ran to Home Sense then Costco. By now it was 5:30 and we were hungry. Britt filled up at the mall so we stopped quick at Oriental Phoenix, one of our favorite Vietnamese places and had supper before picking her up.
~I scrubbed the glass shower door inside out until it shone!!~

We were back at the ranch by 7, almost 9 hours later. Britt showered and packed a bag to stay at Brooke's as they both work the early shift tomorrow. Shaina and Brandon stopped by to grab a swim suit and were off to Cluny for a hot tub. Sheldon ran Britt in to town around 8:30 then he and I watched Horrible Bosses. Shaina was home by 11.

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