Sunday, November 25, 2012

580 - 4-h awards brunch

Day 580 is Sunday November 25, one month till Christmas!!! Today is 4-H awards brunch at the Station. The girls and I were off just before 10 making a quick stop to pick up a garage sale purchase in Esso parking lot (Shaina thought it was funny and we should flash our lights to make the drop) At the brunch the girls were awarded
Britt received 1st in Intermediate Record book,and 3rd for Public Speaking and Horsemanship, she was also runner up for Proficiency although there was no presentation or award for runner up. It is a huge honor as takes all aspects of 4-H into account and was very close.
Shaina won 1st for Senior Record book, 2nd for Presentations and Horsemanship and she too was runner up for Proficiency. We are very proud of the girls and their accomplishments in 4-H. It is a very rewarding program and will be a benefit for life to them all, especially the public speaking aspect.

Britt and the record book trophy, proudly 6 years undefeated as first place! It was the first year she was not the top in public speaking but she has done so well placing first in the years past. Congratulations girls!!

Sheldon stayed home and worked int he garage moving items to the storage trailer and loading the TV for the fellow who bought for his son. After the brunch I dropped Britt at Paetz's who were kind enough to drive her to work at 3 and Shaina at Gail's. They were going shopping in the city meeting Kaylin. I ran to work to fax papers for Kaylin, put trophies back in my office, leave Coreena a movie and some books to read and drop Shelby's awards on Sharons desk before a stop at the church to drop a dress to a lady then home. Wait I also grabbed Sheldon and I a tea which were actually bought by my co-worker Gord who was ahead of me in line. Thanks Gord!!

Back at the ranch the sun shone brightly. A fellow stopped to pickup 2 bales then Sheldon and I popped over to Goslings for a cup of Christmas cheer. We were back home in time for the 100th Grey Cup. I ran to town to grab Britt from work at 7 and Shaina from her shopping excursion. Fairly quiet night as Shaina packed up to go boarding tomorrow, Sheldon watched the Stamps lose and I helped Britt with some music searches.

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