Saturday, August 3, 2024

Running with the bulls gets feisty

Kaylin headed off to the city before 8. Thank you for joining us to celebrate Dad's special day; he really enjoyed it. I woke up, cleaned up the trailer, and got coffee ready. S went to his production meeting after coffee and cereal, and Harley and I went to the ranch. It was 17 degrees on the way there; I watered the plants, tended to the gardens, removed Roo's mask, downloaded some episodes of MacLeod's, and then grabbed a few items to take back to town.

Picked this up in the city, never knew they even made it.. will see how it tastes.

On the way back to town, the temperature was now 21 and rising. I left Harley at Britt's with her food; she will stay there for the night since it will be a very long day and there will be company sleeping in the trailer. Corey and Danielle arrived before noon; we quickly briefed them on today's plans, the locations to visit, and then we headed to the infield.

It was another day above 29 degrees, shade-free, running the gates with a lengthy rodeo program. Shantz's sat in the shaded area near us but headed back to the trailer halfway through for a cold beverage and relax.

This is a young GIRL Havana Aarsby riding in the jr steer and she won the entire rodeo!

the wild ponies are super wild, not one group ever rode 1

this child is such a nut <3

Back at the trailer to collect them, then off to the infield where the rain started and the wind intensified. Naturally, this occurred as we were preparing for the Running of the Bulls. S delivered his 5 pm instructions to his volunteers, and then it was time to set up. At one point, my hat flew off and tumbled down the track in front of the grandstands, prompting me to chase after it frantically, to the crowd's applause when I finally snatched it up.

It was a cold blustery night but things were hot on the track

The Mexican bulls were wild, with numerous rolls and takedowns. The winner ended up breaking his wrist, likely from jumping over the fence. Corey captured an up-close video above since it happened right at his section of the fence. Donny Jo decided against releasing the two largest bulls for the final round. The takedown occurred swiftly as the rain started to pour once more.

we have a urnal out back too

We returned to the trailer to put on warmer clothes and enjoyed a beer under the awning, joined by one of the pickup men parked next to us. The 4 of us squeezed into the ranger and went back to watch chuckwagon heats 7-9, finally having a burger/chicken fingers & fries—thanks to the Shantz's for supper. After it ended, we toured the suites, had a drink on the top patio, explored chuckwagon town and the grounds, and then returned to the trailer. We had originally planned to go to the cabaret, but the long day had worn out the 60-year-old. We chose to stay in the trailer for a visit and went to bed early. I continued watching more Macleod's on my iPad before I fell asleep.

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