Sunday, June 30, 2024

More rental work underway

Quinn pressed the coffee button at 7:30, and everyone was awake to savor a cup and socialize. Olivia ate some toast for sustenance before her first ball game, and then they departed at 8:45. We dressed, with S heading to church and me updating the blog after feeding Har. Apparently, Britt fetched Cooper at 2 AM, yet no one heard a sound.

He returned just after 11, as the rain began. We enjoyed the last of Ma K's delicious borscht for lunch, having neglected to pick up groceries during the past few nights' hurried trips home from the rental. S trimmed a piece of our surplus hardwood flooring to fit the rental's sink repair, drilling three holes. We packed up more tools and set off for town despite the drizzle. After a brief stop at the rental to exchange the black door sweeps for white, we searched for transition strips and door weather stripping, but to no avail. 

Despite the cool, drizzly weather we headed over to watch Olivia's second ball game today. Unfortunately, they lost and missed the chance to advance to provincials. After bidding farewell, we headed to the rental around 2 PM. Our frustration grows with each visit to work, facing the contractors' poor craftsmanship. Substandard work is evident everywhere, most of which could have been done correctly on the first attempt. We started by fixing the dishwasher cabinet, using a 5-gallon paint can and me as a weight for S to attach the piece. After several adjustments, it finally fit the dishwasher back in now that it is tighter. 

I removed the kick plate and cleaned it thoroughly. Underneath the cabinets, the tiles were filthy, likely with urine and grease. I sprayed them with my dawn/vinegar solution before vacuuming the high cabinet ledge. The edges needed another wash, and then I tackled the ceiling fan, which was laden with grease and dirt. I managed to clean one but will take the rest home for a thorough wash since we're out of deep cleaner. S took to scrubbing the sink on the deck, scraping off the damaged seal between the sink and counter.



The lower landing light and ceiling vent on the stairs were installed. I vacuumed the cold air returns and realigned the misplaced ceiling tiles in the rumpus room. The door under the stairs won't shut at all, and the contractors insist they're not responsible. The transition strip in the basement bathroom's flooring is a mess, with chunks visibly pulled out, and the door frame is swollen from moisture. It seems there's a never-ending list of issues to find.

The stairs' edges were only partially painted, with remnants of old carpet and staples that were carelessly painted over, complete with drips. This was in addition to the improperly cut stair treads! Hence why this task was given the not acceptable rating. At the base of the stairs there are gaps in the flooring on both sides. Near the newel post at the top, the flooring was cut, leaving a gap on one side and a small corner missing on the other, similar to the flooring at the base of the stairs. These gaps are likely to collect a significant amount of dirt.

wall gouges missed patch step before painting

While S was busy reinstalling the sink, I reattached the cold air return covers. However, one would not fit because the baseboards were too tight (added to their list). I also installed a door stop in master bedroom. To prevent further damage to the walls, S placed door stops at both the front and back doors. Unfortunately, the previously repaired front entry still has a ding in the wall due to the lack of a stopper.

We adjusted the bedroom's mirrored closet doors, with one requiring us to remove the track entirely and work together to bend, wiggle, and position the base track guard correctly, as it was not done during installation. We evaluated the front closet door, but it appears to be missing some parts maybe. The front entry light was vacuumed and cleaned. I also cleaned under the kitchen's lower cabinet area on the other side of the stove I missed. The sun was out in the late afternoon as I made trips to and from the car.

these missing painted areas were added to their list

This is the caulked baseboard and paint edges in bedroom, what you think?

this is their ceiling touch ups.. def not an improvement

All our tools and equipment were loaded into the car since the contractors assured us they would be there tomorrow to complete everything for the final walkthrough. It's going to be an interesting meeting. I've had a headache all day and am eager for the day to end. Naturally, I didn't have any medication with me. It's time to pick some up at home. On the way home at 7, there was a tornado warning. It was dark to the south, but we headed to the hot tub after taking some migraine pills. It started to rain while we were in there, but that was okay. The warm water always seems to soothe a headache.

This cutie will brighten the day

I began to feel somewhat better as I prepared salmon, rice, and sautéed spinach for dinner. It appears we've been consistently eating late, around 8:30 p.m., these past few days. Nonetheless, it was delicious. While I was cooking, S treated his ankle with Dr. Ho's remedy and also managed to clean the slime off the couch. Cooper's blanket was in the dryer, and it seems Miss Harley seized the opportunity to lounge on the couch, leaving behind her telltale signs. Such a naughty girl.

It's time to unwind in bed while writing today's blog post, as S browsed his laptop for sports updates, searched for flooring supplies, and watched YouTube tutorials on fixing the front closet door.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Another rental reno day - lots of photos

It was a sunny yet windy day. Following our routine start, we began to clean the house as Jamie and Olivia may be staying the night, depending on the outcome of the baseball games. I dusted and wiped down the slimed walls after taking a shower, while S vacuumed. We also made progress on the blog, uploading all photos and videos from Renn day. In addition, I started doing laundry, picked more radishes and created a punchless of tasks we need to do at rental. After a lunch of leftover goulash, S shocked the hot tub. As it filtered, we began installing the new bedroom light in Kaylin's room.

Just as we were set to install the light, Britt called at 12:30 to report that the gate wouldn't open. S drove down where the metal sensor functioned, allowing her entry. Unfortunately, the remotes and keypad had stopped working, he will trouble shoot later. B tacked up and began her ride. Meanwhile, we installed the bedroom light, removed the chandelier from our room, and relocated it to the upstairs spare room. This task presented several challenges, but we managed to overcome them. My role of assistant was to hold the lights, clean, and fetch and pass tools. I also was promoted to cable connector having more patience.

S identified the issue at the gate; darn mice had chewed through the receiver cable. Meanwhile, I carried on with laundry, cleaned the guest bathrooms, and made the beds. Britt used the blade on the house paddock while S scooped up the previously and currently picked piled manure into the skid steer bucket and disposed of it in the pit. B refilled the minerals/salt and moved the horses to the three open south paddocks, then left for home at 3:30. S was napping in the big brown chair after looking over the new blog posts. I worked on today's blog at the island.

Her hand gestures are the best

The contractors messaged they would NOT be working today as planned nor tomorrow so we headed to town at 4 to get some of our list done.

The sink was removed

and this area will need to be cut our and replaced with new board. I disgusting gunk around was soaked with cleaner but eventually had to be chiseled off with a putty knife.

The dishwasher was pulled out next as the counter is warped and will be reaffixed with a metal bracket. it was surprisingly not a grungy underneath as I anticipated.

The baseboard installation continues to befuddle us and frustrate us to the point of calling this out as unacceptable as well. Here are just a FEW examples of their craftsmanship .. or lack there of

when you screw up cuts just fill with goop

and apparently painting areas you left exposed and baseboard ends is optional

many areas do not even line up with edges and have no goop either

This is at base of stairs, not only is it not flush but the flooring has gaps too. and that paint job!

some were left not finished at all

and many outward corners like this will break a toe

Sheldon asked them to chamfer the edges, this is what we got

hmmmm, painting may not be their skillset either

How about this paint job?

The new fire alarm was installed.

while I finished the bannister edge. This was to have been painted white to match the other side of the stair rail but now will be left wood tone.

I vacuumed out all registers and swept the roof ones in the basement as well as all the cobwebs on all ceilings. Why would that not have been done prior to painting all walls is beyond me.

This is how they left the cabinet painting in kitchen claiming this is greasy. YES, all grease must be removed before painting and all cabinet areas must match, right? I scrubbed the grease off and added to there punch list to complete.

While up on the ladder S desired to vacuum the dust covered cabinet tops. Yes this is normal but not along the edge that was painted. We pointed out the thick layer of dust hanging over the edge a couple times to them emphasizing that you cannot paint over that. Obviously they just left it and painted around it.

Now pulling out the stove was what I expected and more!

The bathroom fan vent needed a good cleaning.. well actually it took a couple scrubs.

The first painted light fixture goes up.

And a bedroom boob light.

And the other painted light. It is now 8 pm and Jamie is on her way to our house after the ball games. We wrapped it up, took a drive thru DQ to grab something to eat on the drive home and headed south. They were waiting at the gate. Surprise, Quinn was along as well. The rest of the evening was enjoyed visiting. Liv called it a night around 10 with us all heading to bed around 11:30. Such a nice catchup with the Wagstaff's for sure.