Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Spare room close to complete

Our mornings are so typical but today it was bright and sunny upon waking and only -3. And Harley never wanted out in the night, another bonus. I was back to my spare room sort and tidy project and S to our taxes. More things purged and many hints I forgot I had now are back in my head.

These were loaded up to take to Renn

Our lunch was a creative crackers, cheeses and oysters with a salad as we have no bread. We both got back to our tasks. I now have photos I need to hang downstairs but that will be another day. I am loving the clean spare room but still has more work to go.

closet all tidy

This candle holder was hand crafted by Britt years ago

We took a break around 3:30 to take H for a walk as it is now plus 5! It is muddy where dirt is bare and the snow is heavy to walk in. I sent pictures of Roo to B and threw all Cooper’s winter coats in the wash for her and dried them too.

this is like his and her sized chicken breasts :)

Supper was GoodFood chicken pesto salad. Surprisingly, it seemed very basic but tasted delicious. S was off after eating and headed to town for a rodeo meeting. He also had to stop at Matt's to pick up one of the chicken boxes he needs to build bases for. I posted a few new treasures for sale, hauled out the items to take to Kaylin to the car as well as loaded the sold jewelry box. The buyer is meeting me there tomorrow.

Mom sent this photo of her at work and a sympathy bouquet sent to us all <3

The thrift store pile is increasing too. I took apples and veggie peels out to the horses in my t-shirt. While I was out, I did a poop scoop loop on the road that is uber muddy. I was catching up the blog when Britt arrived late again after 7:30. She fed and was gone in  less than a half hour. I put in a Goodfood order for April 23 week. I had just shut out lights when S was home from his meeting and beer stop after 10.

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