Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Staining starts

Balmy -5 to start the day with a beautiful sunrise making the hoar frost trees sparkle. I continued my 1 coffee a day and think I shall swap for tea tomorrow. I really don't like the taste of coffee. J's bandage was off and still puffy so booked to take him to vet later today to get antibiotics. S had his multi cups while playing Flow, researching a power contract still then reading in big brown. 

Back to the garage for more hand sanding. The MCM dresser's paint was sponge sanded then I went ahead with my plan to oil based poly it. The drawer runners were "butta" treated to run smoother.

Cooper was carrying on. When I looked it, coyote was near. Off he chased it then spent 1/2 hour barking and patrolling the hay field. The sideboard I continued debated black or white or chocolate wash. My usually polling group (girls & AJ) were mostly black votes. I decided to go black: my first plan. Seeing the top was so light I applied a coat of cappuccino first and while wet I applied a coat of black. The stain showed many swirls in the wood even after hours of sanding and paper change. GRRRR

all brown

black over brown

Time for lunch. Sheldon's deconstructed taco was a loaded version compared to mine. It was PLUS 3 after 1 pm. I got J all loaded in a kennel and we set off for town after 2. He weighed in at 5.04 kgs. The vet Emma took him back and lanced the area to get more draining. We left with 12 days of antibiotics and care instructions.

Another digital frame was dropped at the post office to return. I kept the cheapest one that had most options I wanted : sensor play, full screen pan, touch screen and clear photos. The cons are a limited app, limited storage and not as rich of colors as one $100 more one.

Back at the ranch we picked up our family park of Hello fresh at the gate. J was given his meds and Stella sent out for some fresh air. S and I took the dogs for a well needed walk which they enjoyed. The food was unpacked followed by a cold refreshment and some Tantrix. 

pretty chinook arch

Bison goulash was made for supper. I lightly sanded and put anther clear coat on the MCM dresser. B was here late tonight well after 7:30. She popped out to check out J as I was putting his warm compress on and squeezing it out. She ate then went out to feed Bird. S and I went out for a hot tub. For me it has been weeks. Tonight was amazing out. It is -3, no wind, near full moon in 2 days so very bright! We were getting out when B was heading off before 9:30. I made us our yogurt bowls. S watched his Flames loss in bed while I perused dog videos.

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