Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Porridge anyone?

Renny loves oatmeal, PB and banana :)

S had his coffee and fed Har this am. J got his antibiotics and soft food. I opted for a couple cups of tea. We sipped them while playing some brain games and listening to a podcast. B arrived with Cooper and Gulliver who needed some outdoor time after that cold snap. S took the dogs for a walk. He heard coyotes so once back jumped in the ranger and set out to have a look. No luck. B started her hoof trimming tasks with Bird then Roo.

I sanded the dresser top and applied a 3rd coat of clear to all. Another coat of black oil finish was applied on sideboard too. See that round mark now showing center lower edge? Must me a mark within the wood grain, gosh darnit. We all had a leftover combo with fresh guacamole I made for lunch. I went and caught Switch and rode her back. B met us at the barn and she trimmed her feet while I groomed her and swept the floor.

Inside B hit big brown to peruse her phone. S was on the couch crushing more Flow games. I spent time on hold with Amazon after the first frame return via Canada Post went missing. Supposedly they will get my credit thru soon. We started a rousting Russian rummy game. B stopped to help Sharon with Timba just before 3. She fed Bird while out there too. I gave J his pain meds and S shoveled the snow from around and off the hot tub.  Back to the game where B was the winner. 

The first Hello fresh meal was cooked up - shrimp fusilli. It was good. B loaded up her pets, took her leftover super for lunch and was off before 6:30. S washed the pots before we ventured out for a hot tub soak. There was an eerie misty veil over the moon that thickened as we soaked. Then it was hockey game watching in bed for S and Youtube videos for me before an early lights out after 9. I gave J his evening meds just before.

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