Saturday, November 25, 2023

Renn has found her voice

B dropped Cooper off at 8. Here we thought it might be a sleep in day. Nope :) She was off to a client seminar. I asked and she has put 2000 Km on to date. I fed them while S made coffee. I had an offer for the desk and dining table last night as we left for the concert. I replied I would take the offer if they dont sell at the sale prices individually by Monday. I started loading videos from the concert last night on the blog. The darn wind picked up. The stools were called from the black Friday sale too! I loaded them in a jenga fashion in the car. We will meet lady after lunch in Calgary.

S sorted cards looking for something. To his surprise he found $315 in a fathers day card!!! This was a funny card no one remembers why it was sent.

Some good old pics

I see Renn in these baby pics

S spent the morning tuning his 2 guitars. Nathan would like to borrow one for a bit and get back into playing. While tuning this George Canyon autographed one a string snapped. Oops. He also found his guitar had a chunk pushed into the side. Someone knows what happened but may remain a mystery. I sorted photos and some cute small clothes and runners out of the girls baby clothes box. I was trying to find the shopping cart seat.

We hit the trail west at 1. We were to meet the stool buyer at 2. We had time to grab hot tub products then meet then at home depot. S ran in to get me a board for a ruler order. The city is BUSY. Next we tried to get to a nearby car wash but the one ways and such had us change our mind once there. They have the swirling brushes. Off to get our Renn snuggles. And visit Kaylin and Nathan. Nate played a bit on the borrowed guitar even with a missing string. Hope he gets back into playing as he is good. Renn continues to grow quickly. This week she found her voice. That and really good fine motor skills. She saw my cross and had it in her hand in short order.

the many faces of Renny

this baby can dance!

dog trainer in training

this little girls got moves

Beans is patient with her, then she finds her thumb and the furry carpet, squirrel

We treated ourselves to The Keg for supper. On route home we went thru town to wash the car and fill with fuel. Harley never even greeted us sleeping on her bed. Britt had fed her after her seminar, thanks B! I worked on marketing while S watched his Flames. I joined him watching from bed and cleaned up my phone's memory.

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