Friday, November 24, 2023

Fundraiser concert

Har wanted out at 2. It was full fledged ice fog in the air. Then again at 4:30. I was watching her and she was eating grass. I remembered her new ball went outside and not back in. So I ventured out in my PJ's to find it. I left her in garage. Cooper was dropped off at usual 6:45. When I went to feed them I found she had puked in her kennel and a couple places in the garage. This explains why she was out so much, poor girl. Coffee and last of the cream of wheat for S. I did marketing while S perused the online news and organizing last of pickups and payments.

He took the truck to town to wash it and the trailer after being drug for 10 hours in a snowstorm. I went to the garage and started sanding the MCM dresser. Back at the computer I searched for Festool black Friday sales but nothing. I was booking a rental car for Palm Springs when S got back home after 12. Mini van booked! I made us grilled cheese (& bologna for S) and a crunchy salad.

More sanding on the dresser and fronts. Garage laundry had a few loads. S set up the other new smart lightbulb in the barn. We then hit the hot tub quick. Beauty sunshine out. I put the stools, dining table, MCM dresser and desk on Black Friday sales. Fingers crossed.

original finish, mid sanding and fully sanded drawers

One of the second last buyers arrived as we jumped out of the shower. He and his daughter. They picked up 3 bags. One for another guy who ended up sick and another working. The last bag guy was not able to pick up today so we moved to next in the waiting line - Murray Paetz. They visited with a icy stimulant (not the daughter) before they set off before 5. I fed the dogs before we headed to town. The last bag of bison was dropped at Paetz's.

Our evening out was next. It was a fundraiser for the Wheatland Hospice. Hosted by Drew Gregory with 3 other artists. The meal was good but the music better. And the price of drinks at the Legion were way more economical then most place. We bought raffle and chase the ace tickets. Low and behold my ticket won. S went and played trying to find the ace. He returned with drinks for the table :) Thanks for the invite Matt! Another crazy thing, a lady at our table turned out to know Auntie Mindy and Uncle Don. Her little sister dated Ashley. Small world

Tanya Ryan

The night wrapped up and we were home by 11. We finished the Book Club movie before lights out.

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