Sunday, November 12, 2023

Med Hat trip

It seems Dave snuck in in the night then was off for a root canal before we got up. A root canal on a Sunday! Coffee for S, B and I. S was off to church, I wrote a Hometalk post for the transfer glass bottle. I got other marketing caught up too. Harley then got a bath seeing she gets to come along to Med Hat. Dave was back with a frozen face but feeling better. We had some lunch and a catchup.

Look who met Mr & Mrs Santa

The traveling continues. H was loaded and we set off for Medicine Hat at 12:30. We arrived at Ma and Pa’s delivering a Grinch tree to celebrate the upcoming festive season. We visited with beverages and snacks of course. Ma K is the best hostess ever!

Rudolph and his lady friend in their city habitat

I hung a photo for them with command strips. Looks good! Britt text the jetta SOLD. Even after a drive to town to wash it for a no show and many people stopping when they were waiting for the actual buyer. Looks like the approach is the place to sell cars! Candace joined us for supper followed by a movie. We missed the first part but luckily it was on again and caught the start. I the headed to bed after a busy weekend. When S came to bed we started All the Light We Cannot See recommended by Ma K.

S trying to get Har to sleep

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