Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Harley turns 4!

Today is Harley's 4th birthday!! It was a usual day at the ranch. After marketing I started on the coffee table putting on a coat of creamy stain. Not really loving it though with the green undertones. S tied the new rope lights on BBQ deck. B stopped at 10 to feed Bird and drop Cooper off. S and I then moved all the older freezer goodies into the new one. I moved stuff from fridge freezer too to make room for Cooper's food.

video and photos by Shaina

do I smile like that Shaina? :)

creamy stain goes over the green washed wood... not loving it

After lunch I scrubbed the freezer out while S cut a frozen chunk of treats apart. I planted 3 narcissi bulbs outside. The planters are still blooming in the garage. They were pruned and watered. B was back at 2 putting food in freezer and eating a late lunch bowl of chili. S ran to town with the trash. I put a coat of white stain over the natural which looked ok but of course had an area I am not loving that is catching more stain.

Finally I caught up the last 5 days of the blog. So many concert videos were compressed and loaded for your enjoyment. Sharon stopped quick to see Timba and chat. S was back and B headed off with Cooper. I went back out to garage. The table top was not appealing after all these steps so I painted it solid white with a roller. And the base too. S joined me to visit while he had a beer and I painted. He did take birthday girl out to play with her new ball for a few tosses.

Once done it was happy hour. S created this a HUGE Sulphur gas creating snack. YUCK! to most but he loved his sauerkraut, funeral pickle topped pickled eggs and beer.

I put prime rib bones and potatoes on parchment in the instant pot for supper. They turned out great that way. Fresh bed linens were put on before heading out for a hot tub soak. There was a slight feel of frozen rain as we go out. In short order it was actual snow coming down. Shower, hockey and the last part of a Light episode. I had to back up a bit as last night got dozy thru it. S fell asleep tonight so I watched the Selling sunset reunion.

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