Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Another freezer delivered

Miss Renn prefers to try food herself, this her sweet potato facial

Craig stopped to pick up Dad's bag of meds and glasses. He is meeting Steve in the city who will kindly take home to Oyen. THANKS guys!! I put a green paint wash on the coffee table top to help take away the red tones. 

S was off to zoom exercise class. I threw in a load of laundry and wrote a tutorial for the warm white rolling pin. It then was shared on all the sites and sent to paint company. After lunch I worked on catching up blog posts. The new freezer was to be delivered around 3. In preparation, S moved the truck and ranger to the side so the semi with 48’ trailer could make it around the island. He backed out the car too. I did some sweeping seeing door w open and car gone. 

The delivery was made. This unboxing led to the floor being washed but prior to that the floor drain grates were cleaned out. I scrapped the crud off the floor too. This led to the clean out drain being cleaned out. First time in 13 years. It was DISGUSTING smelling. Once all was flushed well, all was put back together. The floor was washed and left to dry before car brought back in.

Time for a cold drink and snack. I put some tulips and narcissi bulbs in a vase to try and get to bloom. THANKS Ma K for the gifted bulbs. Laundry continued catching up for awhile. Aislyn was having another bad day so our supper date was postponed till another day. I cooked up a favorite of S's- tacos for supper. Flames game entertained S. We popped out for a hot tub at 2nd intermission. B stopped for some supper and fed her horse. After the Flames win we watched another All The Light episodes.

Look at the crazy clouds and pretty sunset

UPDATE!!!! I forgot to share on Sunday the jetta sold! It did not take long even though there were a few annoying inquiries and a no show after setting time and driving to town to wash and wait. It actually sold to a young boy down the road so will probably see it passing on the highway from time to time.

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