Sunday, August 13, 2023

Walker campout Pt 2

Love getting these pics, thanks Nathan

Saturday was Walker day. Mom and Dad drove out for the day bringing KFC and cookies. Travis and Tim hauled the horse trailer over to spend the night too. Many of the younger folks rafted down the river with Dale and Sheldon being the drop off/pick up vehicle. There was a crazy downpour out of the blue too. We brought sausage for a family pot luck. Amanda and Stacie made yummy salads. Mom and Dad headed back around 7:30. Bocce ball for adults while I played card games with the kids. Of course more whittling, campfire and smores.

video of the river crew

sausage cooking

but some did more cooking on the fire too

Sunday was a hot one. Perfect day to hit the river. We packed up most things before we headed to the river. The 4 dogs enjoyed the sand bar and water as much as the kids.

Harley plays fetch video

the sandbar was perfect for the dogs to play on

A late lunch was had back at the trailers. Then a cold drink round up chat before the campground manager reminded us it was well past checkout time. We did our last few things then waited in line to dump the tanks. Amanda and the kids are staying the night as Craig wont be back till 9pm or so. The rest headed home. As we headed down the road S saw his wedding ring missing. We turned the big rig around and went back to search. He remembered playing with it at the circle chat. We checked the dump station and both sites. I also checked the places in the trailer where he tucked things away. A final look at our camp had me finding it where he pulled out the power cord. WHEW! Off we headed again in the 31 degree heat. We took a different route home arriving about 6:45.

Har was fed, I threw food in instant pot then watered pots/garden. I helped S bath Har too. We ate then S hit the couch. I worked on his birthday post. Once it cooled off a bit we went for a hot tub. What a beautiful still evening. We finished The Out-laws and started Happiness for Beginners.

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