Friday, August 11, 2023

Walker Campout Pt 1

Half way thru the week already. I cleaned out the entire trailer, vacuuming and washing all floors. Restocking food and clothes. We are heading to Emerson Bridge for a sibling camp trip. I also spent allot of the day loading photos, editing and getting marketing caught up. 

Driving thru town we filled with propane. It was then an hour + 15 drive to Emerson Bridge campground. Dale and Craig met us both having set up already. We got the site across from Dale #33. Once backed in we set up. Craig stayed for a couple beers before he was off to Oyen. After a BBQ supper we sat around the fire till Amanda and the kids arrived. Time for smores :) Be darned if my throat did not start hurting in the night.

Amanda is where my finger points #28 up in full service. Dale and us are basically in center 32 & 33

campfire video

Thursday was a hike and beach day. 

Stopping over at AJ's to round up the crew

checking out the sandbars

video view

cruising the hiking paths

adding some mud art to the bridge base 

hitting the sandbar beach

Dale teaching kids to hand fish for clams

Harley wants to help too

Scout enjoying time with her Dad, she has gone blind in the last week due to her diabetes

our beach spot as seen from the river's edge

It was a beauty day out. Then out of the blue it rained. We finished the movie Fist Fight we started last night. It is goofy. Stacie and Mya arrived in time for supper. Only Mya joined us all for campfire night as Stacie fell asleep in trailer. Marshmallows and smores were made every night.

There was loads of coal in the river. Ada brought some back to burn.

look what happens to the fire color when kids throw in magic wishing stones

Friday it was another beauty day. Each day we had some rain at some point in the day. We played games, visited, went to the beach, walked dogs and hit the park/ball diamond. 

Vance arrived to join us for the weekend. He kindly brought me Halls. THANK YOU!! Sheldon is getting this cold too. Of course there was another roaring campfire. I got the kids whittling. Now they have knives on their Xmas lists :) We started a new movie called the out-laws but could not stay awake for 2 nights in a row to finish.

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