Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Mother's Day pedicure date

Renn had a pretty good sleep. She and I were up for a bit after 5. Kaylin fed her and back to sleep. The day was cooler and "smoky" looking. It made for a lazy quiet morning. K made me her version of iced coffee and a piece of PB toast. 

pretty bright out for this little one this morning

now she's awake

Around 12:30, Little Miss was bundled in her car seat and we headed out. Kaylin gave me a pedicure gift certificate for Mother's Day. Today we booked it in. Shaina met us there too. She just had her nails done nearby.

her first hat :)

good thing I had long arm and the camera to help me find her mouth in the back seat

While we had our pedicure B text a picture of J. She buzzed the mats off his back. She also ran to town and picked up Lexi's meds. Thanks B. Our feet and toes were looking great. THANKS Kaylin for the wonderful Mother's Day experience. xoxo Thanks to Renn and Shaina for joining us too. Back at the condo Renn had a late lunch. I cooked up smokies for K then hit the road east.

I stopped quick at Costco. Crazy even in a quick stop you can find lots of goodies and spend $$. It was sunny as I headed east. Just before Strathmore I hit a wall of rain. It was coming down so hard the wipers could not keep up. Turning south on 24 it stopped and by the Glenmore turn it was sunny. Britt was riding her bike around the yard when I pulled in before 5. Unloading and visiting till S pulled in before 5:30. A bit of the rain arrived but not much. B had waited for mail keys. She rushed to our box and found her parcel. She joined us for supper then headed home. S showered and was off to his rodeo meeting. I fed the cats soft food. Checking the rain gauge I found we had 3.5/10ths since Monday. I also found my first canna lily bloom and picked first zucchini. Time to catch up on marketing. Mom was out at 8, we visited before heading to bed early. S was not back from rodeo meeting/ OJ's stop till after 10. He went out and fed the cats soft again. Double meal deal day for them.

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