Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Baby snuggles

I checked out to see car had rain on it and the street. The day was off and on sun/clouds. I took Renn down and made a coffee. We snuggled on the couch letting K sleep in. It was a busy night for little R. When K was up, she dished us a yummy yogurt bowl. K had errands to do. She ran them in the afternoon. I put Renn back in her carrier and she and I went for a walk. Of course it started to sprinkle. After getting my Starbucks Frappuccino it was sunny out. Odd day it was.

The many faces of Renny, and her eyes look blue ;)

She finally weighs enough to try the carrier

While Renn ate I ran to Rona and finally found a ruler board. The prices continue to go up. At least this was the higher grade board. On the way back I stopped quick at Home Sense. Usually this store is my happy place but I soon left. I have too much "stuff". Back at the condo Gail stopped to visit. The rodeo was on as Nathan has SN1 channel. He also cooked us burgers/tater tots for supper. Thanks Nate! We enjoyed an evening of snuggles and Netflix. Kaylin also fit in body sugaring for her Mom. She has her travel table set up in the spare room. THANK YOU!

Sheldon sent videos and pictures of his evening as well as the AV camp set up.

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