Sunday, July 30, 2023

Camping continues

Today we are off for camp trip #2 this week. But first it was coffee in bed with the lovely new bamboo sheets. They are so very cooling, THANKS Kaylin and Nathan!! XOXO I spent a ton of time editing and uploading photos/videos to get the trail ride post complete. I sure hope you enjoy the effort folks.

More trailer packing. S did hot tub care. For lunch he made his favorite KD and added the leftovers taco meat. Such an easy and tasty meal. Har loaded up, wood was remembered and loaded and we were off to Crawling Valley. 

We were filed with water and had camp set up in short order Pretty smooth running team for camping. Stouts/Lowe’s were over to visit and enjoy some cold beverages. We cooked supper here with Sharon running to Strathmore to pick up her niece. The fellows went to Stout site and built a fire. I read my book till Sharon was back then joined the fire till 11.

Saturday the weather switched to warm. It rained in the night. It was a full day of sun and fun. Amelia was stoked to meet Harley. Whellers and nephew David joined the group. We enjoyed a boat ride H was worried of course when S and the 2 young ones went in the water to cool off. 

Ice cream was the treat once back. This delayed supper a bit but an it was tasty bacon cheeseburgers with all the fixings including fresh spinach with Mac salad, avocado ranch and fries. Our evening was rounded out with a new card game and some campfire time over with Stouts/Lowes.

air fryer and bug zapper are great camping additions

Sunday am was blustery. We tried sitting out with coffee to read and do crossword but eventfully had to roll awning in. The trailer was cleaned and packed up. Left over cheeseburger for lunch before heading out after 1. 

We arrived home to yet another hot 30 degree day. I watered plants inside and out. Unloading the trailer and getting laundry done got in lots of steps. S needed a rest on the couch after his busy week. Fresh picked zucchini and French toast for supper. Weird but tasty combo.

Town had a huge rain and hail and we got nothing. There were 15 drops when a lady arrived to purchase the coffee table set. Finally it has a home and 4 big pieces have left this week. I am grateful.

We loaded up H and headed to town. S found the campsite we have for rodeo weekend. Same one as last year. We set up the trailer then stopped to visit some of the committee members who were visiting about the days work and upcoming tasks. The evening was much nicer after the rain. It brought it down to 26. Back home we had a hot tub to wrap up the busy camping week.

Shaina caught this amazing shot from her apartment view

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