Saturday, May 6, 2023

Getting ready for our first vacation of 2023


Seems on almost the same day 4 years ago I got my plaid shirt and held this little munchkin. Even paired it with a blue shirt :)

2 new gins to try - left is the best but was limited time only

 I forgot to add we got our first spring rain the night of the last blog update Apr 26; 2/10ths. It was welcome and started things to green us fast. It was followed by about 3+ days of high winds that dried it all up ;( We did a ton of yard work. I completely emptied the garden shed and purged a ton of tools, pots and other garden goodies. We gave away miles of drip line and S attempted to repair a cooper trellis he made me years ago but gave up but did other repairs. His proud moment was zip discing 2 snow shovels he was going to toss back to life!

I planted up my pots and hauled them out, why not? 

I painted up my ageing angels and gave them new life.

I also painted a fresh coat of milk paint on the entry table.

Shaina text S she needed an easel for the shower welcome balloons so he built this jumbo one. It turned out the balloon lady had a much finer boned one she would provide when decorating so this one he hopes I use at markets.

Sharon popped out on Sunday the 30th and helped me poop pick the ditches making everything look lovely.. for a day or two. It made it easy though for me to drive out and scoop new piles. B was out on that day too: we wormed Bird and Switch.

While watching hockey, S built the couch for our deck furniture in the living room. It was once again super windy outside but it was warm and soon he was the near naked builder.

I worked on taking the stools apart and regluing and clamping.

Britt brought over Dave's jigsaw as S still cannot find his anywhere. He helped me finally cut the base of the nightstand I want to finish.

We had a town day picking up a dresser then doing yardwork at the condo. The next day we went back in, I had lunch with Dad while S pressure washed the siding and did an inspection finding they now added a cat to the 2 dogs. This did not go over well with S who had allowed 1 old dog and they took the 1 pet exception for granted. He then went to Medicine Hat to visit Ma and Pa. He spent the night and accompanied them to a family friends funeral in Acadia Valley then home late the next night.

The sun dog :)

At the ranch, while he was gone I worked on the nightstand and stools with hours of hand sanding and layers of paint.

Thursday May 4th it hit 28 and windy, our neighbor was seeding. There are horses out there in that dust storm watching.

I headed into town to have lunch with Dad then used a gift certificate from S to get my nails done for our upcoming trip, THANK YOU!

Back home it was more paint progress.

And I tried butta on leather boots, looking pretty nice!

Friday, Sharon, brought Krista and baby Thea to meet her new horse but Switch ended up loving the baby visit most. 

After they left I trimmed Switch's feet and later in the evening I took the horses off the hay field and locked them back in the winter pasture and far paddock while we are gone.

I glazed the nightstand and left to dry till we are back.

This was my outfit check sent to Shaina before the big baby shower Saturday. What a lovely day it was. After it was over S, B and I came home. I packed up Har's food and goodies then B took her home with her for the week, THANKS B!!  We then finished stuff needing done before we leave for our BC vacation.

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