Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A couple weeks in review

It has been a few weeks since the last post. Since then there has been a few birthdays celebrated and the weather is changing to spring. Shaina took a Mexican vacation to Cancun for 6 days.

Sharon and I took in a horse clinic at a nearby stable on April 15.

Sheldon has been busy with rodeo work bees and meetings which also includes lunches out :) We did get a patio set but he built only 2 of the chairs to see if we like them and if they are wind worthy on our deck. So far so good.

Britt took Roo and Beibs to her place. I had a couple lunch dates with Dad and Mom stayed for a few days too.

Lori B came for a visit. It has been years since we visited in person. S spent the day in town running errands and chatting with Craig. Aislyn spent the afternoon with us too.

Aislyn took this one of us :)

I completed our old coffee table set finally.

and this cute MCM dresser.

I had my annual hair highlighting appointment and birthday lunch with Sharon and Coreena. I grabbed my free Starbucks beverage for the ride home after.

 Thank you for the lovely gifts <3

Kaylin, Shaina and the pups (Nathan was tied up with work and unable to come along ;( ) came out after their vet visit and we all went for my FREE birthday supper at the Station. What a great deal it is.  Britt joined us too for supper.

Darren and Sharon popped out to park their horse trailer, visit on the deck and enjoy some of her tasty birthday cake she had made.

I scored these cute baby items for FREE , S grabbed them after church and I got them all scrubbed up.

so cute right!

I had a custom table top dropped off to refinish. I also planted peas and sweet peas on this Sunday as well.

We met Britt and Cooper in the city for both dogs to get their chiro appointments. Coop appreciated his big buddy along for comfort.

Can you believe how tall my fiddle leaf is? And I have cut if down too.

I repotted my canna pots and moved outside. The ones I started inside remain inside. The lobelia was picked up at Costco to add to pots soon.

We were invited to join the Paetz family for Aislyns birthday. We facetimed Britt who was enjoying her birthday with the horses then off to the Calgary Tower for supper with Dave later.

A wee bit of sunburn after ridding an open cab tractor brush cutting the paddocks.

Getting a photo of these 4 is a challenge, this was the best.

Happy cake day B!!

The last of the snow fence snow pile April 26th

The pet wrangler/trainer is back for an afternoon visit.

Sheldon and I finished up our massage benefits this month with S having 2. Going forward they will be a "treat" vs benefit. Luckily I have us a couples massage booked at the spa in May. So that is the last 2 weeks in review. Hope you enjoyed the catch up.

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