Thursday, May 11, 2023

Amazing sunset!! loads of videos and photos

S had a real good sleep in. I was trying to make the French press coffee in the dark. We enjoyed a couple cups in bed as I caught up the blog and he his online news. Check out the new but retro styled appliances.

We had a slow relaxing start to the day. Once ready, we stopped at the coffee shop in the hotel to get breakfast. H had a breakfast sandwich and I a scone. It was surprising that it was $20 when bagel was $8. S asked and it seems they overcharged him $7.25??? WTH?? 

The hotel also has a mystic room where a taro card reader is scheduled.

and a poker room

an a VW van completed made of driftwood. So many cool things at this hotel.

We set off to do the Cox mountain (which was more of a hill) hike. After paying for our parking we set out. It was yet another great beach. Finding the trail was a bit hard but after chatting to a couple (gal had moved from Lethbridge in 2020) we found it. However once we got a ways up the muddy bogs as described in the write ups had us decide that was far enough.

Plans pivoted and took the next hike earlier than planned- the Tonquin trail. This 2 hour trail was lovely with so many great beaches and views, I found my purple star fish and more sea creatures. We walked in the sand and cold pacific waters. There even was a guy swimming!!

I even spotted this Pacific Banana slug in the vegetation

check out this view!!

Way up top where the rock is highest is where we looked down on this beach just a few minutes before.

video tours

another panoramic view of the area from another lookout point

Shed was our next stop for a late 2:30 lunch. They served up a delicious salmon salad and frosty drinks. On route back to the hotel we detoured to Tin Wis where I originally was recommended to book. The view was STUNNING. This was the beach we walked are times yesterday. The ground were lovely and the rooms with patios were perfect if one did not want to venture out like we did. That and one night there was what we paid for 2 nights at the Zed.

We had the best weather, the staff at all the places commented just how amazing and welcome it was and not usual as very rainy in the rainforest area. How lucky were we?

Tin Wis in the background and a sit on Mackenzie beach in front of it below.

Back to our hotel we filled our go cups and walked to the nearby Chesterman beach. So lovely, We then came back to hotel and enjoyed a relax on the lanai, then the inlet then back to have supper on the restaurants patio. Scallops appetizer with grilled salmon main meal were enjoyed. 

these Sears pages in the elevator take me back

close up of items in the office

the ocean inlet out back mid tide

The sun was out when we stopped back up on the lanai above and below on the patio for supper

check out the steak for 2 price!!

We stopped at the room to change into pants then off to watch the sunset at Chesterman It was so worth the view. We were back at the hotel for a shower and relaxation. I caught up the blog after a shower and S hockey then news after his shower. I also found I had an Etsy sale!!!

watch this beautiful sunset video

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