Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Sander trial

H wanted out at 4:30 to pee or was it the full moon? Not long after I got a text from Kaylin who was sick with a bad sore throat and wondering what she could take. I suggested apple cider vinegar/honey syrup, a warm bean bag and rest. Hope it helps her. Yet another morning awaking to softly falling snow and -16. This morning did not accumulate as much as past few mornings but we sure have snow. Same old coffee, porridge and H feeding with me adding plant watering to the list. Mom was off after 9:30 then heading home later today, we had a zoom meeting at 10 for an hour. After we finished, I painted the nightstand top a coat of warm white.

After lunch S had his usual couch nap while I worked on ancestry. This time flies by as did his nap but at 2 he was off to take H for a walk and I to the garage. Before going out I sprayed the nightstand top with sealer hoping the ring would fade. I planted ranunculus in the 3 canna lily pots and watered all then pulled out my new sander stuff and give it a go. The new sander is going to take time to get the balance but trying the rotex option had me ripping thru a factory finish in no time. After the walk S cleaned the hot tub filters.

Back inside S vacuumed the main floor and did up the dishes. Another coat on the nightstand then time for a beer break when I got a text from Sharon inviting us to join them on a trip... in 4 days to Costa Rica. This had me in a frantic search to check details and share with a hesitant S. The flight times are horrible and make it very unappealing cutting the trip to 5 real days of vacation and 2+ travel including both a red eye and birds eye flights.

The vacuum fellow delivered the part we ordered at 5 but not long after he left I looked out to see him stick on our road. S dressed up and went to pull him out with the truck while I fed Bird and measured a cinch for a gal. We met back inside to catch some news and not long after the gal who gave me the recent desk stopped to drop off a jewelry box she wants done for her granddaughter. We talked colors for a bit and they were off heading east to Cereal.

Of course hockey was now on which consumed S evening while I made supper and we ate while watching the game. It was then time for me to do marketing and catch up the blog I am so far behind on. I also searched out more trip options but nothing really caught our eye. I then returned to the family tree that just keeps growing. S went to bed early for a change around 9 with me going to bed after 10 reading my book with my phone light for an hour or so.

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