Saturday, March 4, 2023

S plays hockey helper


Mom turned coffee pot on and go the day rolling. We visited while all had coffee and some porridge then I fed H and made up dishes of food. Mom was off to Dad's at 9. I wrote a Hometalk post for the floral tea cup planter. I then got working on ancestry tree for next couple hours. Auntie Mindy had lots of details I used to fill in. S read his book on the couch in the sunshine taking a short break to run to the mail with H.

 I also staged the dresser quick

After hockey gear was loaded S and I set off for town at 1 to pick up Asher. I dropped them both off at the arena to get geared up for their hockey day and was off to Tim's. I got Mom and I the vanilla coconut latte, picked her up at Sagewood then we drank our hot beverages at the rink while watching the skills events.

Some action videos for you to enjoy

The parent/relative vs the kids game was next. The rest of the Paetz's arrived from Archer's  hockey games to watch as well. After the game we dropped Mom back at Sagewood and went to Walmart for a few groceries while our pizza order was made. Once we picked it up we headed home to the ranch to eat. S of course was then onto his sports on TV and I the computer. Mom was here before 7:30 and we worked on the family tree.

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