Friday, March 3, 2023

Massage and furniture pick up

I woke at 7 but drifted till Mom started coffee at 8. I went out to join her on our 23&Me adventure chat as she and Dad got their results back. S eventually joined us too. Mom headed to Dad's at 9:30.

S went out to scrape the road, close the gate that was oddly open when Mom left and hook up the cargo trailer while I painted yet another coat on the nightstand. I also swept the car spot since we had to park outside last night then S pulled it in.

After an early lunch we headed to town after 12. S dropped me at my massage then went and washed the truck. He was back for his massage passing me the keys as we passed. I then went to visit Dad and Mom and work more on the 23 & Me site. Dad and Mom were having snacks when I headed off at 3 to pick up Sheldon. A stop at Tim's for me to grab us a beverage then it was off to Chestermere to pick up a free bedroom suite Amanda had scouted. We got it all loaded with help of the couple and after a short visit made our way home.

Back at the ranch at 4:30, H and I went and fed Bird, went for our walk along with the cats then back to put Bird in paddock and give other their apple. It was then time for H's supper as S was backing in the cargo trailer and unhooking it. He made spaghetti and sauce while I caught up the blog I am once again behind on as well as posting the finished dresser on my FB page.

Time for a hot tub soak after our massage and moving. After our showers, S was off to TV room for hockey and me more blogging. I did deliver a jumbo yogurt bowl to the prince while eating mine at computer while typing. Mom arrived before 8:30 and we spent the next 2+ hours doing more family tree research. We headed to bed at 11 and of course I had to watch some Netflix before S came up from sports room for lights out.

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