Sunday, March 12, 2023

Hoar frost beauty

The ranch is all hoar frosted in and overcast with a -15 temp to start the 1 hour earlier day. I was awake early which was new 7 but managed to lay quiet making a list of things to do before letting H in garage and turning on coffee. I then got working on the Kuhn side of the family tree with S waking to join me for coffee in bed as he perused his phone. I jumped in the shower then moved to the computer and he relaxed in bed till late morning doing crosswords. He did head out to let cats out before lunch and tossed horses the last small square at the paddock.

Today marks 10 years since I started Creative Moments!!! Holy cow!

The sun came out at noon which was nice to see but still -13 out. I made us a tasty salad for a late lunch. S went out to push snow before 2  as I was back to work on the ancestry site. Seeing it was so sunny and horses were near eating that bale H and I went out to feed her and walk while she ate. 

See our video view of all the snow and hoar frost

We walked down to where S was pushing snow in the winter pasture then back to put Bird in the paddock. In the garage I sanded the table tops more then in for a cold drink. S was back to the house after 3 to switch to spikes to roll out a bale. I was in the trailer measuring a desk for a Amanda's SIL then we came in for a cold drink.

The road is like a giant luge track!!

A bit of news peruse then he headed out to roll the bale after 4 while I watered the plethora of plants. S was off to hockey at 5 as I was feeding H and making up new meals for her. I wrote the white and gold dresser tutorial to post tomorrow.

I prepped my last Hello Fresh meal ; Vietnamese turkey salad. S was back at 7 so I threw it all together and cooked the turkey patties. It was very tasty and would make again for sure. S headed down to TV room to continue the Flames game on big screen and I to the computer chatting with Mom and working on trees. I delivered some ice cream cake to the sports fan before U headed to bed to watch Netflix.

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