Saturday, March 11, 2023

B pops over

We started our day with a nice relaxing meditation followed by crossword and coffee. So far the morning ritual is working. First task after publishing the daily blog was to write a Hometalk post for the sunset jewelry box while S perused his news.

I was back to work on my family tree then had another website Mom sent me called My Heritage and ended up finding we had a family tree already on there set up by someone. From there I gleaned more information and names to search on ancestry.

S took H for a walk to access snow

Yep there is snow

S headed out to plow the road with lots of snow covering it. I took a computer break to go sand the one table top. S came in after 1 and scrambled eggs, adding toast and beans and I joined him for a late lunch. He was then on the couch to rest in the sun that was now shining as I got back to the family tree sourcing yet another DNA relative to my tree and finding more connections. 

B and Cooper stopped in before 3:30, she fed Bird and checked on the rest then ran to town for some things leaving Coop here. Seems she is finding it a bit lonely at her new job. S moved to TV room for a day of sports & hockey games. I continued my computer work till she was back then a short visit and we ran back to town to pick up meds for the dogs and grabbed a tea. She and Cooper then headed for home at 6 after dropping me off.

This unique rainbow was shining in the sky when we were in town

We had a late supper of pizza and the last of that delicious mushroom soup then S was back to hockey game. I finished the first giveaway prize graphic and scheduled the post to go tomorrow am. I then worked on the family tree and off to bed to watch some more Next in Fashion episodes while S read then off to dreamland. I took my Fitbit off the charger at midnight to see all the trees covered in frost and a thick fog set in.

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