Saturday, March 18, 2023

Farmhouse Table complete

The day is overcast cooler -8, Mom and I had coffee and talked family tree before she set off to visit Dad at 10. S and I S is working on tracking power consumption as part of his data research. He is thinking of offering utility optimization consulting to Slik's Services. Time to shower and get the day underway. The nightstand was staged alone.

Mom invited us in to meet her for lunch. We loaded Harley in the merc and headed off before 12:30. Original Joe's was our lunch spot for a tasty meal. THANKS Mom :) It was 0 out now and warming. We got groceries before heading to the ranch. Once unloaded we moved the dining table in very carefully so I could stage. I swept the area it was in to move more furniture in tomorrow.

S took H for a walk then he hit the hot tub. Even though overcast, the snow is melting. I worked on family tree seeing TODAY is my last trial day :) S had taken out sausage and his fav KD for supper. He got it going for us to eat after 7. Mom joined us as well. S was off to watch his Flames in the hockey room. We chatted more family tree then she was off to read. I finished up the last of my tree, downloaded it and cancelled my trial. Time to go read at 10. S was up late from sports around 12:30 with his Flames losing in OT again!

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