Monday, February 20, 2023

Snow accumulates on Family Day

Shaina sent a sleep podcast that said most people wake up at 3 am briefly, but it seems if I let a though catch in my head then I am cursed to stay awake for hours. Today it was 6 that I last remember checking the time. I woke at my usual pre 8 am and laid there till I heard Mom turn off coffee pot. She made her porridge and we visited with Sheldon joining before she headed into Dads at 9. Switch has been patiently standing at the waterer since I awoke to meet Timba but he is playing coy.

At 10 S went out to let the cats out, toss Timba hay and shovel the walk while I vacuumed inside. Harley got a bath in the garage and left out there to dry. I gave her new bedding and washed the others in the garage. We headed to town before 11 to watch Archie play in his big tournament. It was a fast paced game of hot potato. Archie scored 3 great goals too even though they don't keep score on this age group games.

Arch heading in for a goal

We grabbed Opa on our way home. At the ranch Britt was just leaving for town in the truck after dropping Cooper, feeding Bird and putting everyone's blankets on for the upcoming cold snap, THANKS B!

We ate while we caught the end of the news. B then text she found water issue on dry wall and wanted her Dad to install the electrical outlet so he got tools and headed in as Sharon arrived. She and I put Timba's blanket on and chatted for a bit. The weather let up a bit with sun behind the clouds but soon the snow started again and stuck around.

After Sharon was off after 2 I headed inside. In the garage a put a touch up coat on the plan pot then came in and wrote the grey desk/vanity tutorial. I was still working on it when S was back from Britt's before 3:30 (no water leak found which was good) and off to TV room for his Flames game. After finishing the tutorial and sharing on places I cooked up burger for a casserole.

The Flames lost in yet another close game, boo. S went and rolled out a bale and after I put casserole in oven I ran out and tossed Timba more hay too. S and I ate when it was ready while watching news. A fire was started on this softly snowing evening. It is only -7 which was most of the day temp but it too is gonna drop like crazy.

Mom followed close behind by B and D arrived after 6. They had casserole and we visited before the mountain crew set off for home in the low visibility snow storm. More marketing, visiting and reading rounded out the night.

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