Sunday, February 19, 2023

Happy birthday Dad!

Up after 7 am, I played a few games then made coffee. After feeding H I was in to pour a cup and put away dishes. Mom came out for coffee then S a bit later. They had porridge for breakfast too. More crossword work for S as we visited before Mom set off for Dad's after 9:30. Today he turns 81!!

S and I worked on putting the dining table together officially now dried pretty well. It took a bit of finagling cutting the butterfly leaf dowels and opening the holes a bit. Eventually we got it to all fit and screwed the legs securely in place and add felt pads on the brass capped toes.

S went to let cats out and bring 2 bales to the barn paddock for Timba; Sharon's horse arriving later while I painted a second coat of navy on the plant pot. Tidying up for the party was next as S finally got into his laptop to move personal files off.

The sun popped thru as Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived at noon. They hooked up the small trailer to the truck and took both it and her car to the condo to load yet more stuff. I prepped snacks, hauled out the baby box from under the step for K to see what was in it later while S relaxed.

Mom and Dad arrived around 2 with Paetz's (sans girls who went to Oyen with grandparents) followed but the Calgary crew not long after. Our afternoon of snacks and visiting ensued along with birthday cake after lasagna and delicious clam chowder. Snow rolled in about 4 changing the weather quite quickly. Amanda ran Asher to a sleepover birthday party.

Beans got a 3 person pedicure

I caught the birthday boy of guard just before the singing began

It was a full on storm when Sharon and her parents arrived at 6 with Timba. I helped her get him to the barn paddock and gave him hay then they were off and I was back inside. Sheldon pulled Moms' car into the garage where we got Dad in the car out of the blustery cold. Mom took him back for supper and the evening. The Calgary crew left just before here which left B, D, C, A, S and I to play smear. Archie watched my iPad and joined us for pass the ace before they headed home at 9.

Dave headed home with the truck with Britt and Cooper following in her car both loaded up. We cleaned up and headed to bed, some to read, others to relax and sleep.

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