Thursday, February 2, 2023

Moving - not moving

S kept looking out when up during the night at the horses in the blustery -29 wind chill, he decided at 7 to go toss them a bale near the shop where they were standing. He was then back to sleep feeling better. I got coffee going as I fed H, the cats who are still living in the garage and soaked Bird's food. S was now up and we got back to sorting his phone situation. Looks like he will be cell-less for about a week until they get his number released.

Britt and Cooper were out around 11:30 to feed. She saw Switch had another cut so I headed out with warm water and dermagel. This time her wound was on the coronet band. I cleaned it up added gel then looked quick around shop for any areas these cuts can be coming from, no sign. S was hooking up the cargo trailer ready to move B later once Dave is done at the track. She headed home to pack and left Cooper here. S unscrewed the 2 rails from the snapped post at the shop paddock gate.

We had tuna sandwiches with the news then I had Apple helping troubleshoot a backup issue with my phone. Over hour and half again of telephone support this time and no luck as my computer was now full again. S worked on setting up a new to him phone that hopefully will be released for him and his number. We loaded up Harley and Cooper and headed to town at 2:30 stopping for fuel as we headed to B’S. 

my dog team :)

The day has not warmed up any, -14 and it seems Dave had guys not show today to help with horses at track so he was running behind. B decided to postpone the move but asked for our help with removing the curtain rods and helping plan a few other items. We set a plan to move the items coming here to the storage trailer for Saturday and the large items to their new place Sunday with hopes for warmer weather.

On our way home S stopped at Canadian tire to get a belt for the merc. H and I waited in the truck where I ordered Vietnamese takeout. Swinging by there I grabbed it and S a jug of milk and we headed home arriving at the ranch at 5. The sun was shining now below the chinook arch clouds making for a lovely sunset. We ate our food and S watched the news while. I fed H and cats and made a few more meals up for her. I also finally got to try my new sander!! I have 3 days to try it and it has already been a week. I liked it but think adding the dustless vacuum will be way better so I ordered it seeing the hose alone is over $200.

S’s fitbit will not sync to new phone so this was a challenge to try and sort with no luck. We ventured out in the now -8 no wind but still brisk air to soak in the tub. We did an extended time procrastinating getting it but eventually headed back in for a rinse. More trouble shooting the Fitbit, twitter reading for S and blog writing for me before a bit of reading and lights out.

B and Dave took many of the boxes over to the new place and this was the view when she headed back to Strathmore, holy city lights

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