Friday, February 10, 2023

Company for supper and a sleepover

I was awake before 8 again and after a peruse of Instagram I did the usual coffee brewing and H feed. I rousted S from his sleep to have a cup and his porridge before our 9 am zoom meeting. After it ended I did computer work getting the blog posted, an Otterbox for S’s phone ordered and touching base with Bell to check his phone number transfer progress. S went out to let out cats then had chatted with a couple fellows. Laundry was on the go, chairs brought up and loaded in the car for tomorrow and other things to go then I made banana bread to take as well.

Before lunch and after his Craig chat, S ran the vacuum around main floor quick while I scrubbed pots and pans. A quick lunch then time to bath H and change her bedding. Teamwork makes the dream work :) The chinook wind howled all day. I put a coat of beeswax on the dining table while S rolled out a bale for the horses.

Ma and Pa arrived before 3 and B stopped quick after 3 to drop off Cooper and go clean her condo having the day off. We visited for the afternoon. I put on a bison roast in the instant pot for supper. B was back out to feed Bird before 6 then in to visit. Dave arrived not long after with us eating a late supper at 7 S lit a fire to provide a smoky ambiance. B, D and C left at 8 to head to the condo to load up his boxes from downstairs.

S and Ma K played crib while Papa perused the online news and I jumped between computer catchup, serving banana bread, domestic tasks and watching their games. We all headed to bed before 11 with Sheldon heading out for a hot tub now the wind FINALLY let up a bit while I finished my Wish You Were Here Book.

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